You know it’s a good place when it’s 87db and that’s just the crowd. #930club #dc #livemusic
Saw Todd Fancey, John Collins, and Joe Seiders hanging out on the sidewalk in front of Ben’s after the #NewPornographers show at #930club tonight. Told them it was a great show, felt like a big old fan girl. It was cool. ;)
When Teresa hits the snare for the opening of “Going Against Your Mind” tonight, I am going to be in my very happy place. :) :) :)
(Anyone else going to #BuiltToSpill tonight at #930club?)
(Realized this is going to be my first show at 930 in 10 years…)
@historyofpunkrock sweet, never been there, I spent quality time at 9:30 though. I ended up buying the "Occupancy 199" sign from a woman who worked there when the original F street club closed. It hangs on my office wall to this day and none of my students have ever commented on it! Kids today have no sense of obscure punk rock history!
#930FStreet #930Club #DCPunk