Invest #95L is steadily organizing in the central Atlantic.
Chances of development are high in the next few days as the system will move into a more favorable environment. Some models are forecasting potentially rapid intensification as the system nears the Antilles.
Recent satellite view of disturbance #95L in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. There’s a medium chance (50%) this system will develop into a tropical depression in the next 2 days. #Invest95L #weather #WX
Disturbance #95L has been designated near Africa’s western coast.
Latest updates here:
New satellite picture of Invest #95L in the central Atlantic Ocean. Chances for tropical development within 48 hours are medium at 40%. #Invest95L #weather #WX
Mes p'tits Mastoufoux,
Point activité cyclonique :
Nouvelle zone sous surveillance dans l'atlantique nord ! #95L Peut-être futur #Emily ...
#Don fait toujours du surplace en #tempête tropicale ..
Mais pour #emily une intensification rapide n'est pas impossible. A suivre. #Antilles
Côté #Typhon, on suivra 98w , futur typhon, c'est une certitude, tout se met doucement en place. Passionnant à suivre car il pourrait être énorme !
#95l #emily #don #tempete #Antilles #typhon #climat #ouragan #urgenceclimatique
Invest #95L has been designated in the central Atlantic Ocean.
Latest details here: