If all #billionaires were like #stocktonrush, the world would be a much better place. #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #Anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #nomorebillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
#billionaires #stocktonrush #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #NoMoreBillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
So, why am I called 98 percent?
It’s because I am one of the other 98% or so of the population that is NOT responsible for for most of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and excessive consumption of resources.
That said, I’m sure I can do better still. #Climate #98Percent