[99% Invisible] 23- You Are Listening To + Radio Net #99Invisible
https://podcastaddict.com/99-invisible/episode/145657863 back from when web2 was amazing
[99% Invisible] 199- The Yin and Yang of Basketball #99Invisible has racism, sports and designing in inclusivity not for its own sake but for a better game. I loved it.
@Jaden2 I listened to this and learnt a lot about the deep relationship between racism, capitalist and gentrification, today and back in the 60s. I thought it might be of interest [99% Invisible] 212- Turf Wars of East New York #99Invisible
I can only image that JG Ballard would have loved this place
[99% Invisible] 206- The White Elephant Of Tel Aviv #99Invisible
An amazing episode of #99Invisible Holdout
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/122742534 about the most unlikely of friendships
[99% Invisible] 231- Half a House #99Invisible
Is there something in here about #platformenginering ?
#99Invisible #platformenginering
[99% Invisible] 517- The Divided Dial #99Invisible
A 99% invisible #podcast episode on how US radio became so right-wing, when it used to actually be very progressive.
#99Invisible #Podcast #veilLex
Omg a 99% Invisible episode about trans & nb bathroom access and the history of bathroom design & access controversy!
[99% Invisible] 412- Where Do We Go From Here? #99Invisible
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/112198187 via @PodcastAddict
[99% Invisible] 244- The Revolutionary Post #99Invisible
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/111566423 via @PodcastAddict