@brainwise the #excellent June 27 #episode (542) of the #99PercentInvisible / #99Pi #podcast discusses the #history of the #Electronium.
You can check it out here
#electronium #history #podcast #99pi #99percentinvisible #episode #excellent
“10,000 years in the future is still fairly inconceivable. 10,000 years ago, the biggest new technology spreading across the planet was farming. Culturally, we share almost nothing with people alive back then. Who knows the world will look like 10,000 years from now?
The panel began by thinking about language. But language, like radioactive materials, has a half life. Beowulf, from only 1,000 years ago, is incomprehensible today.”
@jimdonegan You might also enjoy this #99percentinvisible episode on Maurice Noble.
#99percentinvisible #podcast on #GeoCities and other virtual apocalypses.
#99percentinvisible #podcast #geocities
Just listening to #99PercentInvisible episode 523, about “Iowa 6-on-6 #basketball”…which sounds an awful lot like #netball! As in, the basketball-like sport still played all over Australia, even though we also have women’s leagues of regular basketball.
But I looked it up, and despite huge similarities - higher player count, restricted movement, assigned player roles - it seems to be whole separate thing originating in the UK as “women’s basketball”. Though since basketball was invented in the US, there must be *some* link, right?
@romanmars, worth a follow up?
#99percentinvisible #basketball #netball
Catching up on #99PercentInvisible. This episode from October 22 about Jamaican sound system culture is flat out brilliant.
@remyreedy I find comfort with ambiance music. #VideoGames like #Skyrim & from the #Fallout series are nice 👍🏼
I also listen to #podcasts like #TheMemoryPalace & #99PercentInvisible. They have hosts with soothing voices. TMP tends to have pretty mild content, good ambience music, and is really nicely produced, while 99PI might occasionally touch on more excitable content.
Either way, I’m usually able to figure out just what level of excitement an episode has just by its opening music
#99percentinvisible #theMemoryPalace #podcasts #fallout #skyrim #videogames
#RomanMars just had me in tears and stitches as he and his guest talked about #Geronimo, the #SkyDiving #Beaver.
#99PercentInvisible #podcast #history #YouCantMakeThisShitUp #ecology #failure
#failure #ecology #youcantmakethisshitup #history #podcast #99percentinvisible #beaver #skydiving #geronimo #romanmars
@seb One of my favorite podcasts, 99 Percent Invisible, has done a few episodes about flags, all the way back to their 6th episode in 2010.
And the host, Roman Mars, did a TED Talk on the subject.
#vexillology #flagdesign #flags #99percentinvisible #99pi
A Janet Jackson song that caused laptops to crash by *hearing* it, is a #99PercentInvisible mini-episode, and if that doesn't hook, you....
It's the end of the year, and the best podcast, #99PercentInvisible is doing their traditional mini-stories.
99PI looks at "all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world" and it is *amazing*.
It's a bite-size intro to the podcast if you've never listened. And you should be listening!
#design #podcasts #99percentinvisible
The Stitcher advert at the end of the latest 99% Invisible caught my attention.
If you're a Batman fan you'll totally recognise it from the 1989 movie.
#batman #stitcher #99percentinvisible #99pi
Finally, Iove Podcasts
#99PercentInvisible is my favorite
but also love NADDPod, ManDogPod, NerdPoker, Rat Castle, Dame and Dragons, Big Grande, The Memory Palace
Oh yeah did I mention
#themeparks and
#themedentertainment #themeparks #99percentinvisible
also, anyone interested in knowing more about the history of the octothorpe, as well as the use of hashtags on :deadbirb: I recommend checking out 99 Percent Invisible's episode about it:
Einer der besten Podcasts auf Erden. Seit nun 10 Jahren mein Begleiter. In 99% Invisible nimmt Radiomoderator Roman Mars die menschgemachte Welt auseinander und regt zum kreativen Nachdenken und Neudenken an. Architektur, Urbanisierung, Klingeltöne, einsame Schafherden, verlassene Schiffe, IKEA-hacking, housing first, Magickarten und mehr.
Εκτός από #info-war που είναι τοπ στα ελληνικά, πρόταση μόνο στα αγγλικά, πολύ ενδιαφέρον έχςι διάφορα είδους θέματα: #99percentinvisible . (Από περιγραφή δική του, a #podcast about the #built #world and the #humans that built it.)
#humans #world #built #podcast #99percentinvisible #info