I've long wanted to give [[plan 9]] another try.
RT @H3n3sy
@flancian @reighleyc @paleoludic @enkiv2 Daily driver? No
For hobby *stuff*? Yeah
I use 9front as it is the most actively maintained http://9front.org
There’s active communities:
The Plan9 public grid http://9p.zone
On IRC ##9fans on http://oftc.net
On Discord https://discord.gg/eu8VBUs
@kl mailing lists is only one part. I recommend checking out the 9front mailing list, there are many patches you can read. Read the fqa, and join chat channels from time to time. There's a 9fans discord as well as various irc channels on freenode (##9fans, ##9fans#9, #cat-v, #plan9). If you have 9p available there's 9pzone gridchat (see 9p.zone. it's basically a file you can con -C into).
Keep in mind that I personally am a 9front user and feel very home on grid, and somewhere between cat-v and #9fans. Therefore my content will be biased, but I'm happy to boost and publish your 9-related content! 🙂
Many interesting programs are not implemented in C, but the scripting language rc. This shows that the filesystem abstraction (everything really IS a file) is indeed very powerful.
#filesystem #unix #scripting #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
#filesystem #unix #scripting #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Why use bloated tools if we can already do everything we want?
#unix #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Anyone is using #acme as some interface/environment for a personal #wiki or #note taking system that's more than just browsing/searching through a collection of files? (this is what I'm doing right now)
I'm currently looking for some inspiration/ideas/possibilities for keep using acme also for such usage, for some light #orgmode #zim -like usage, or something.
#p9p #9fans #zim #orgmode #note #wiki #acme
Better than Photoshop^WPaint.
#photoshop #gimp #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Did you ever want to forget about your data? Cwfs is there for you.
Automatic dumps every night, broken blocks here and there, lots of fun.
#filesystem #data #storage #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
#filesystem #data #storage #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Quick access to your program's source code? Check...
#source #programming #coding #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
#source #programming #coding #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Glenda will make your life better.
Watch closely…
#glenda #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
ACHTUNG! Information provided by this document is UNOFFICIAL and may be outdated or just plain WRONG. Use your brain. NO REFUNDS.
sl's info is incorrect. – anth_x
#plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Most operating systems like their users. We don't need users. Just no. Go away.
#plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans
Latest release: 9front emailschaden. The release was already some time ago, but this account is new so it's fine.
#emailschaden #plan9 #9front #plan9frombelllabs #9fans