#IvanaSpagna in concerto all'#AreaJovaBeach di #Montesilvano
#IvanaSpagna sarà in concerto il 4 agosto, dalle ore 21, all'#AreaJovaBeach di #Montesilvano nell'[...]
#IvanaSpagna in concert at the #AreaJovaBeach in #Montesilvano
#IvanaSpagna will be in concert on #4August, from #9p.m., at the #AreaJovaBeach in #Montesilvano in the [...].
3-5-2023 15:29 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/eventi/concerti/ivana-spagna-montesilvano-4-agosto-2023.html
#ivanaspagna #areajovabeach #montesilvano #4august #9p #ilpescara
#LeVibrazioni in concerto a #Montesilvano
#LeVibrazioni saranno in concerto a #Montesilvano il prossimo 25 luglio, a partire dalle ore 21. Il -...-
#LeVibrazioni in concert in #Montesilvano
#LeVibrazioni will be in concert in #Montesilvano on #25July, starting at #9p.m. The -...-
3-5-2023 14:28 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/eventi/concerti/le-vibrazioni-montesilvano-25-luglio-2023.html
#levibrazioni #montesilvano #25july #9p #ilpescara
#Accoglienza profughi ucraini e gestione pandemia: un evento a #Giulianova per ringraziare i volontari Coc
#Giulianova. Si terrà giovedì prossimo, 4 #Maggio, alle 21, al #Kursaal, l’evento pubblico “Per dirvi grazie…”, iniziativa organizzata dal #Comune di #Giulianova – Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali e alla #ProtezioneCivile per ringraziare i volontari del Centro Operativo Comunale, impegnati, nei mesi scorsi, nel fronteggiare l’ emergenza sanitaria e gestire l’accoglienza dei cittadini ucraini. Prima […]
L'articolo #Accoglienza profughi ucraini e gestione pandemia: un evento a #Giulianova per ringraziare i volontari Coc sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Reception of #Ukrainian refugees and pandemic management: an event in #Giulianova to thank Coc volunteers
#Giulianova. #NextThursday, #4May, at #9p.m., at the #Kursaal, the public event "Per dirvi grazie...", an initiative organised by the Municipality of #Giulianova - Department of Social Policies and Civil Protection to thank the volunteers of the Municipal Operations Centre, who have been engaged, in #thepastmonths, in facing the health emergency and managing the reception of #Ukrainian citizens. #First [...]
The article Reception of #Ukrainian refugees and pandemic management: an event in #Giulianova to thank the Coc volunteers seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
2-5-2023 18:3 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/accoglienza-profughi-ucraini-e-gestione-pandemia-un-evento-a-giulianova-per-ringraziare-i-volontari-coc/
#accoglienza #giulianova #maggio #kursaal #comune #protezionecivile #abruzzolive #ukrainian #nextthursday #4may #9p #thepastmonths #first
Tutto pronto per la presentazione del libro “Il senso religioso” di #donLuigiGiussani
L’Aquila. Martedì 2 maggio 2023, alle 21 nell’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “Fides et Ratio” dell’Aquila in #ViaVetoio, verrà presentato, in video collegamento con il teatro #DalVerme di #Milano, il libro della Scuola di Comunità #2023-2024 di #Comunione e #Liberazione. Si tratta della nuova edizione de #IlSensoReligioso di #DonLuigiGiussani, […]
L'articolo Tutto pronto per la presentazione del libro “Il senso religioso” di #donLuigiGiussani sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Everything is ready for the presentation of the book 'The Religious Sense' by Father #LuigiGiussani
#L'Aquila. On #Tuesday, #2May2023, at #9p.m. in the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Fides et Ratio" in #L'Aquila in #ViaVetoio, the book of the School of Community #2023-2024 of Communion and Liberation will be presented, in video connection with the #DalVerme Theatre in #Milan. It is the new edition of #IlSensoReligioso by #DonLuigiGiussani, [...].
L'articolo Tutto pronto per la presentazione del libro "Il senso religioso" di #donLuigiGiussani seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
1-5-2023 9:34 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/tutto-pronto-per-la-presentazione-del-libro-il-senso-religioso-di-don-luigi-giussani/
#donluigigiussani #viavetoio #dalverme #milano #comunione #liberazione #ilsensoreligioso #abruzzolive #luigigiussani #l #tuesday #2may2023 #9p #milan #first
@izaya If you mean in a #NetworkFilesystem role only, then I'd agree.
If I didn't misunderstand #9p, its #RPC has the same kinds of problems as unstructured unix pipes in general.
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to create a mastodon file server that serves #9P?
I’d love to integrate it in my #plan9port setup as well as in my #9legacy system.
This would be challenging to do with a normal filesystem, because edits could occur in both files near-simultaneously, and now you have to do a merge. That's hard. Let's try to avoid that.
What if instead we let the program export a virtual filesystem that exposes the tangled output? This is a great use case for #9p.
#9P folks -- I have a question which is not answered in any 9P documentation or source code that I've seen so far.
Twalk is a command which is used to navigate a file hierarchy. However, what happens if you cross a mount-point?
For example, consider the pathname /ramdisk/foo/bar/mnt/a/b/c.txt . We can imagine that /ramdisk is a mount-point, whose handler is some ramdisk implementation. We can imagine #Plan9 issues Twalk messages to the ramdisk process or driver for "foo" and "bar" and even "mnt" quite easily.
But, what happens if we want to navigate all the way to "c.txt"? Does the OS see that /ramdisk/foo/bar/mnt is a mount-point even without navigating the ramdisk and jumps directly to issuing Twalk messages to the mount handler for ..../mnt? Or, does Plan 9 navigate through the ramdisk's namespace first before realizing, "Oh, this is a mount point"?
Decided to go down the #Lua path and defer #9P integration for the time being, primarily because I think it will be overall simpler to add interactivity via Lua coroutines than figuring out how to do event handlers with a 9P filesystem. Tonight I got the basic Lua interpreter integrated, and it can evaluate the simplest of all scripts!
OwO an FP based unixy OS kernel that could be adapted to #9P ?
cc #osdev
Added basic conversations threads support to mastofs too #mastodon #api #9P #filesystem
#mastodon #api #9p #filesystem
with #ADHD I am cursed with the memory of a goldfish and the staying power of a 3rd-world plastic bag. I got 99%'s regularly in algebra physics and chemistry at school, but just scraped an Ordinary in Physics at Uni: the freedom didn't suit me. Now, bewildered in the #foss bazaar for two decades...ok today's the day I'll learn the #9p protocol...
I've been thinking about mixing the benefits of #9P with a #Lisp -y (but more typed, so more #Haskell -y really?) OS.
1. the file system is a "library" that is cross platform. (technically it's a function that fits a certain type that says it has some state and handles file system operations)
2. if it's compiled as an exe for a *nix or Plan 9, it acts as a file system
3. if used within the host language, it can use rewrite rules to fuse with other "file systems"
i barely used #wmii's #9p interface, back in the day. but i think i need to go back & live in that world for a little bit. re-experience it, & learn the interface, see how it worked. ideally do a couple #streams walking through it a little. to inform my web-shell interests. cross the recent #TabFS greatness.
i 'd love to find a good discussion on what i3 (window manager improved improved improved) changed, in their core architecture, as they forked/rebuild wmii. why i3? what happened there? did the desire for a new custom text protocol drive that change? or was that incidental? what about the core ui was different to users?
it's kind of incredible that like 85%of the virtualization/vm's world & ms's wsl all use #9p.
but there doesn't seem to be a single soul using this robust, well used protocol in container-land & especially kubernetes.
@sum lol i was going through @rain@niu.moe's profile & saw this too. i almost took the bait, because i for one love dbus.
it's not quite the same level of elegance, but it's how linux apps can expose their state to the world. that is a close spiritual partner to #9p or fuse. it's a virtue i care a whole lot about.
Have you folks seen:
So the new #WSL on #Windows will have #9P servers bundled and they will be used to present the filesystem to File Explorer.
It think this is an awesome way of presenting the #Linux filesystem on Windows and it opens a precedent for more #Plan9 reaching that platform. There is a ton of good stuff on Plan 9, I wish more people would embrace it.
#wsl #windows #9p #linux #plan9