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Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) plant neue Richtlinien für ihre Essens-Empfehlungen. Und will den Bundesbürgern einen radikalen Fleischverzicht nahelegen. #A2030
#A2030 #CBDC
Primer paso para el control del dinero con el dólar digital: la FED pone en marcha FEDNOW.
The WEF is a private institution. Why does the elected governments take orders from them? #WEFPuppets #A2030
The WEF is a private institution. Why does the elected governments take orders from them? #WEFPuppets #A2030
Feminism; movement financed by the Rockefellers and promoted in the mass media... Feminism is defined as the social, economic and political belief in the equality of the sexes.
Feminism; movement financed by the Rockefellers and promoted in the mass media... Feminism is defined as the social, economic and political belief in the equality of the sexes.