SUPER important documentary about a non-speaking #autistic young woman who was written off by society, but then found her own voice and path with the help of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. #AAC Now on Apple TV.
Seeking other folx who are learning or fluent in #signlanguage or #asl or #AAC to chat with. Seeking to learn more diverse forms of communication. We use some modified asl, and AAC modeling to communicate with our little love, who communicates through her own lovely vocalizations and body language. There is so much to learn and unlearn about communication. I have been using the ASL bloom app and following folx on youtube. I especially love the Deaf Heartbeat ASL. #accessability #disabilitypride
#signlanguage #asl #AAC #accessability #disabilitypride
Today, I want to focus on #disabilityjoy The joy that comes from rocking my child while she snuggles against my shoulder. The joy I have witnessing birds playing in water. The joy of learning a new way of communicating. How important and challenging to quiet the mind, and use my body as a conduit to communicate to my child. #bodylanguage speaks so eloquently. #unlearningableism I am so grateful to have this moment to be present in all the struggles and joys. #signlanguage #aac #MedicallyFragile
#disabilityjoy #bodylanguage #unlearningableism #signlanguage #AAC #MedicallyFragile
đź“Ż Appel Ă communications #AAC #CFPđź“Ż
Les #doctorants du #CIHAM (Lyon) organisent les Journées d’Études des Doctorants du Ciham 2023, les 26 et 27 octobre prochain à #Lyon ! Le thème en sera "Fins et ruptures au #moyenage 🎬 ✂️ 💔 💀 🔚
Les propositions de communication, de 500 mots maximum (résumé et titre de la présentation), accompagnées d'un court CV sont à envoyer en PDF avant le 15 mai 2023 à l’adresse suivante : cihamjournees[at]
#AAC #cfp #doctorants #CIHAM #lyon #moyenage #doctorant #phd #medieval #medievistodon
📢 Appel à contributions pour la revue Technè, avec Lise Saussus et Etienne Anheim
👉 "Les choses et les mots : les textes à l’épreuve de la matérialité"
Ce numéro propose d’interroger la désignation des choses et de leurs matériaux dans les textes et leur confrontation avec la documentation matérielle que constitue l’objet patrimonial.
Propositions Ă envoyer pour le 1er avril !
#AAC #CFP #histodons #archeodon #medievistodon #modernistodon
#AAC #cfp #histodons #archeodon #medievistodon #modernistodon
Not able to get AAC codec running when connecting Bluetooth headsets in Ubuntu 22.10 #drivers #sound #bluetooth #aac
#drivers #sound #bluetooth #AAC
[Appel Ă communication] Science, Expertise and other Modes of Knowledge: Trends, Patterns, and Prospects. Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society. DĂ©lais : 1er mars 2023 #AAC
L'#EHESS ouvre 5 #postdoc de deux ans à compter de septembre 2023. Les thématiques de l'appel sont les suivantes:
- Histoire des idéologies (XXe-XXIe siècles) ;
- Recherches sur le Maghreb ;
- Approches environnementales de l'accès aux ressources ;
- Analyses spatiales et sciences sociales du numérique ;
- Recherches en sciences humaines et sociales.
Date-limite de candidature: 3 février 2023.
Please boost!
#EHESS #postdoc #postdoctorat #AAC #CFA #SHS
Non-speaking autistic son on his letterboard earlier, “I am in love with life and see the positive in everything”
He has many challenges but focuses on what he can do rather that what he can’t.
Not sure how his joy fits in with categorising autistic people into those who are worthy and those who aren’t #Spectrum10K
#AAC #send #LISTENtoNonspeakers #autism #Spectrum10K
#AAC #histodon #histoire appel à communication pour la prochaine journée des jeunes chercheurs du Centre Régional Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire #Crulh du 13 avril 2023.
Organisateurs : Raphaël Tourtet, Élise Bidon et al.
AAC sur
#AAC #histodon #histoire #crulh
Ok so this is cool.
I got a pair of Audio Technica ATH-M50xBT2 and they support Multipoint.
I've played around with multipoint on the Sony WH-1000XM4s but the ATHs are on a different level.
On the Sonys, you can't use #LDAC while using multipoint.
The ATHs don't care. My laptop only supports #AAC, my phone supports LDAC. The headphones switch to the codec that's in use on the fly. So when I play from my phone, it's LDAC, and from my laptop it's AAC.
#LDAC #AAC #audiotechnica #sony #headphones
Really important message from Next Steps SLT. As an ancient Mum of an 18 year old non-speaker I can confirm time goes in the blink of an eye. #AAC #Autism #LISTENtoNonspeakers
#LISTENtoNonspeakers #autism #AAC
My favourite time of the day is “chatting” with my non-speaking autistic son as we wait for his school to open in the morning. I say chatting in inverted commas as he uses a letterboard to communicate with (as well as typing and #proloquo2go) This morning he explained that sadly his lovely friend has lots of meltdowns. I asked him why he doesn’t have many meltdowns. He told me “Because I can communicate well”
I really don’t know where we would be without robust #AAC #LISTENtoNonspeakers #Autism
#autism #LISTENtoNonspeakers #AAC #proloquo2go
#introduction Hi everyone! I’m a school #SLP specializing in #AAC and emerging communicators. I really like wildflowers, Discworld fandom, and neurodiversity.
@haven4books @dynamicallydisabled do you often have access to a chat service between coworkers or is it all face to face? Sometimes I just try to use the chat as much as possible. Otherwise, it might be useful to trial it as an accommodation for an a cute temporary illness like.. Oops laryngitis. And then your laryngitis clears but you still use the #AAC
Is this morally dubious? No. Because any means of easing the ableds into your body mind in a way that minimizes your own exposure to access conflict is worth it as long as you aren't hurting someone else to do it.
I wish I were brave enough to use AAC at work. I use it elsewhere, around the house, running errands, etc. but am having such a hard time being comfortable using it at work. I think it's because most of my colleagues know me as primarily speaking, though that isn't who I truly am. I use up all my mouthwords at work everyday and rarely have many left for communicating with my partner after work. I don't even know how to begin to bring it up with coworkers. #ActuallyAutistic #aac
I'll do my #introduction now!
Hi, I'm Lara. I am a #CIFellows postdoc at UPenn working with Chris Callison-Burch. I do automated story generation mostly (#NLProc and #DnD research!) but am branching out into Augmentative and Alternative Communication #AAC.
I'm currently looking for tenure track faculty positions!
If you follow me, in addition to tech & academia, I'll probably toot about gaming, queer stuff, and dogs.
#Introduction #cifellows #nlproc #dnd #AAC