A: COALition Liebs & Nuts 🖕 🤮
#AusPol #Abbott #Robodebt #AAT #Corruption
>The hollowing-out of the AAT — and the Abbott government's disbanding of the ARC — rendered guards for welfare participants impotent.
>The robodebt royal commission report has shown for the first time how two Coalition government scandals intersected to create an unrelenting attack on the welfare of Australia’s most vulnerable.
>In so doing, it has revealed the true impact of the Coalition’s all-out assault on the independence of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), and its allied moves to nullify the work of a once-powerful independent body that had oversight of the tribunal. The actions destroyed the mechanisms of accountability for government decisions, even as the government enforced an unjust regime of accountability on welfare recipients.
>Buried deep in the 1000 pages of the robodebt report delivered by royal commissioner Catherine Holmes last week, we learn the story of how the AAT was rendered impotent as an effective guard on the rights of social welfare recipients. This was due in part to actions tracking back to former prime minister Tony Abbott.
#auspol #abbott #robodebt #AAT #corruption
RT @genefutures: Enfants et #pesticides : le risque de développement de leucémie aigüe pr un enfant 📈 à chaque augmentation de la proportion de surface en vigne de 10% dans un rayon de 1000 m autour du domicile https://www.generations-futures.fr/actualites/geocapagri-pesticides/ @FNEasso @AMLPesticides @ConfPaysanne #APHG #CIMP #AAT
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MicheleRivasi/status/1546522855491469313
So #Australia can now legally hack into your "account" (read: device?) for #nationalSecurity or #fear or whatever.
The #AAT are not the sharpest tools in the shed to manage this.
The #police powers lack basic #protections. They can delete, or change content and you'll never be sure you're talking to the person you think.
Wonder if fighting #terror involves installing a #cryptominer?
#securocrats #terrorIndustrialComplex #afp #administrativeAppealsTribunal #cryptojacking #auspol #hacking
#australia #nationalsecurity #fear #AAT #police #protections #terror #cryptominer #securocrats #terrorIndustrialComplex #afp #AdministrativeAppealsTribunal #cryptojacking #auspol #hacking