Pablo de Assis :audhd: · @passis
184 followers · 122 posts · Server

Just finished watching another Philosophy Tube video, a longer one about the [lack of] medical healthcare for trans people in England.


But what calls my attention to all of this - and to my precious toots about is how closely related the history of is to all of this. All the bigotry, the violence, the medical treatment and exclusion, the diagnosis. I wish I had the time to collect and build all the resources there are about this.

But to start, I want to lead with a paper about the Queer History of Autism, that shows how treatment for autism was first made as queer . Their main proponent, Autism Speaks, poses as allies but are actually a hate group. A lot of what people go through daily is very similar to what queer and trans folk go through as well. And Abigail Thorne, from Philosophy Tube, also ends her reflection on this process talking about disability, the medical and social models and how a lot of ot comes down to .


Not considering, as well, how much of our communities - and - overlaps:
"Autistic people are more likely than neurotypical people to be gender diverse, several studies show, and gender-diverse people are more likely to have autism than are cisgender people" (๐Ÿ”— ).

My point is that we should all work together and learn from one another.

#transphobia #autism #ABA #conversiontherapy #actuallyautistic #socialexclusion #autismcommunity #queercommunity #ABAisAbuse #BanABA #boycottautismspeaks

Last updated 2 years ago

johnbrownII · @johnbrownII
67 followers · 356 posts · Server
Andi ๐Ÿ’™ · @nd_scientist
312 followers · 437 posts · Server

There is no world in which ABA is acceptable. Once you start to make ABA acceptable, it is no longer ABA.

ABA is based on the premise that Autistic people are "flawed" and need to be "cured". It does that by training them through behavioral techniques (e.g., reinforcement) to "behave" properly. It is the equivalent to "Conversion Therapy" for LGBTQIA+ people (and has the same roots).

ABA, by it's premise, assumes that Autistic people are fundamentally flawed and, by its premise, ignore the feelings, thoughts, emotions, and needs of Autistic people to focus on their behavior. Modern "ABA" may consider these aspects, but that part of the therapy is no longer "ABA".

ABA therapy is often pushed on parents for their Autistic children at a young age (before 3 years old). These children have not stopped developing and do not have the ability to consent to such a trauma-inducing form of therapy.

Articles like this one try to dismiss the concerns that the community have about ABA. However, they fail to address the abusive aspects of ABA.

ABA is constantly evolving. However, the issue is with the "roots" of ABA, the foundation on which the entire therapy is based. You can repaint and re-plaster a building over and over to make it prettier, but if the foundation is built poorly based on false assumptions then you are doing little more than window-dressing an otherwise rotten building.

#BanABA #actuallyautistic #ABAisAbuse

Last updated 2 years ago

AMASE · @amase
19 followers · 3 posts · Server

This webinar on harmful approaches to autism, run by the European Council of Autistic People (EUCAP), starts at 11am GMT. Registration still seems to be open.


Last updated 2 years ago

Andi ๐Ÿ’™ · @nd_scientist
104 followers · 102 posts · Server


I post about Autism and ABA and suddenly I'm getting ABA ads telling me I should get ABA for my "Autistic child" with "behavior problems"!

#BanABA #ABAisAbuse

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna Nicholson · @transponderings
1005 followers · 2179 posts · Server

Just linking to this evolving thread on the birdsite by Tania Melnyczuk

Her long and multiply-branching threads are always a joy to get lost in

Here she is trying to fathom what on earth โ€˜goodโ€™ practitioners could possibly think theyโ€™re doing when they โ€˜treatโ€™ people

#aba #actuallyautistic #ABAisAbuse #BanABA #BanPBS #banconversiontherapy

Last updated 2 years ago