Where Do We Go From Here is out his week. Can't wait for this new #Agnetha era :)
Was hoping for another ABBA album, but it seems like she decided to do it solo
What's playing
#hifi #music #audiophilesofmastodon #vinyl #ABBA
#hifi #music #audiophilesofmastodon #vinyl #ABBA
Meryl Streep had plenty of fun making the ABBA-themed musical "Mamma Mia," and she was a little shocked the movie ever got the go-ahead.
#MerylStreep #MammaMia #ABBA #Music #musicnews #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#merylstreep #mammamia #ABBA #music #musicnews #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
Guten Morgen,
bei 8°C und ⛅ spricht mein heutiges #Kalenderblatt für Euch, das #Österreich als erster Staat der westlichen Welt 1975 die Staatsbürgerschaft der #DDR anerkannte.
Die DDR war nach der #UdSSR der weltweit zweitstärkste Handelspartner des Alpenlandes.
Für die #BRD galt trotz biletaraler Verständigung nur eine gesamtdeutsche Staatsbürgerschaft.
Wer erinnert sich noch? #ABBA hat heute vor 50 Jahren ihr erstes Album Ring-Ring veröffentlicht.
#damals #ABBA #brd #udssr #ddr #osterreich #kalenderblatt
The first copy of this I had, I received as a Christmas present in 1980. I was 9 and it was my 2nd LP that was my own. The 1st LP was "Voulez Vous". I have always been a massive ABBA fan. And it's still ...just an amazing album with so much depth and musical genius. The first movie I ever saw in a theatre was "Star Wars". I mean, jeez, what great childhood exposures to the culture at large. Anyway. #ABBA #vinyl #records #SuperTrouper #lockedgroove
#ABBA #vinyl #records #supertrouper #lockedgroove
The first copy of this I had, I received as a Christmas present in 1980. I was 9 and it was my 2nd LP that was my own. The 1st LP was "Voulez Vous". I have always been a massive ABBA fan. And it's still ...just an amazing album with so much depth and musical genius. The first movie I ever saw in a theatre was "Star Wars". I mean, jeez, what great childhood exposures to the culture at large. Anyway. #ABBA #vinyl #records #SuperTrouper #lockedgroove
#ABBA #vinyl #records #supertrouper #lockedgroove
RT @ABBA@twitter.com
Today 'ABBA - The Album' turns 45! Released on this day back in 1977 it spawned hits such as 'Take A Chance On Me', 'Thank You For The Music' and 'The Name Of The Game'.
RT @schoene_jens@twitter.com
1974 gewinnt #ABBA den Grand Prix d‘Eurovision. Der Rest ist Geschichte. Weniger bekannt: Im November 1974 tritt die Band in der #DDR auf, in #Ost-Berlin. Zunächst in „Ein Kessel Buntes“, dann in der Jugendsendung „Rund“.
Hier eine DDR-Pressung ihrer Alben.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/schoene_jens/status/1592064589977485312
This is from Sean O’Hagan’s review of #HarukiMarakami’s new (sort of) memoir in The Observer/Guardian. It reminds me of something Michael Marra’s told me about working with Bjorn from #ABBA, who - Marra said - had an almost mathematical approach to language, having learned English from #Elvis records.
Ich gucks gerade nicht, aber #ABBA bei #Wettendass lässt mich schon zweifeln ob ich im richtigen Jahrzehnt gelandet bin
Ich hab mir jetzt mal diese ersten beiden neu veröffentlichten #ABBA-Songs angehört, und ich wäre fast eingeschlafen.