RT @amandalhu@twitter.com
Parents presented their concerns to @EPSBNews@twitter.com Trustees yesterday about the ongoing and urgent threat of COVID in schools. @yyCBEdu@twitter.com, @CCSD_edu@twitter.com and all school boards in Alberta should be paying particular attention to @moirarvane@twitter.com’s words: #ableg #covid19ab #abed
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/amandalhu/status/1598373867818713088
RT @wingkarli@twitter.com
This is damning. By removing prov mask mandates last yr, Alberta set up an internal experiment between schools boards. The province's own analyses found:
"School boards without mask mandates have 3 times more outbreaks in their schools, on average."
(Feb. 7/22) #ABEd
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wingkarli/status/1547294803250913280