訓練生クンをひたすら「君がッ 泣くまで 殴るのを やめないッ!」してお金貯める→パーツ買うのを繰り返しながら少しずつお仕事を進めてるって感じ #AC6
ひーー。衛星からのレーザー攻撃を死ぬ気で避けた後、出てきたのがシースパイダーという超硬い鉄の蜘蛛。エンデンリングみたいに脇道で別のボスとか出来ないからつらい。 #AC6
In the old AC games it was the battles against the other AC's that really stood out. They let the combat flow at a fast pace, challenged you to try and combat their different tactics and the other pilots added character to the games.
Why anyone would think that giant bullet sponges who spam massive aoe attacks was an improvement baffles me, especially when they exploit arena boundaries or include terribly designed platforming with insta death #AC6 #gaming
Little bit more time into #AC6 this evening. That first tutorial boss is still a god awful way to introduce the game. It does improve after that and you get a few battles against other AC's which shows they can still make a good AC game, but then everything gets soured again by more giant bosses and some of the worst level design I could imagine 🤦
#AC6 ライフル2丁で中距離からチクチクやるのが好きだけど,衝撃値なかなか溜まらんから,パルスアーマー展開されるとゲージリセットされてスタッガー取れなくて厳しい…