@Wrath Yes, I was thinking in this direction. There are also some 'anti capitalistic' and 'ethical' licenses, e.g.:
- #AGPL: Corporations like Google and Amazon avoid them, because it's too easy for them to violate. A great 'free' license for self-hosted software like Mastodon that you don't want to be stolen by corps.
- #WTFPL: Essentially public domain, but corporations will avoid them, since it's (by design) not written in Legalese
- https://anticapitalist.software/ "The #ACSL is right for you if you want your code to empower students, artists, hobbyists, collectives, cooperatives and nonprofits to survive under capitalism while not contributing free labor to corporations." There are also some links to other licenses similar in spirit, e.g. a license that prohibits use by the police.
Fossbros would argue that ethics/politics should not be included in licenses, but their licenses *are* political, so what? Purist fossbros also want that you don't use any non-free, including ethically licensed, software at all. @fruechtchen
#FramaC WP just threw at me that #ACSL lambdas are not supported yet. How the hell am i supposed to use \numof ?! #framacWP #formalmethods
I have time to figure it out till Dec30
#framac #ACSL #framacWP #formalmethods