Waffling between punctual, motivational statements and stumbling over a sentence because I forgot the word "sconce".
The decision paralysis is real today. I want to cross stitch, play #ffxiv and play #Harvestella but I want to do these at the same time and I can't therefore I am doing nothing and just sitting here like what do now? #AdhdThings
#ffxiv #Harvestella #ADHDThings
been sitting at the edge of my chair about to get up and go upstairs for about 20 minutes now
@pocketjawa aww! I'm glad you enjoyed that! :alicehappy:
I never know how folks feel about me posting all those little clips and such, since I don't get much of a response from them. It's nice to hear folks do appreciate it, though. :aliceheartblack:
And oh gosh, that's a mood, hehehe! :alicemlem: #ADHDThings
...So, what was I talking about?"
😩 Having serious RSD this week from ComicConPT. A bunch of the cosplayers I met did this insta story challenge where you redact the names of the first 20 followers listed when you view that page, and then write over the redaction with something about that follower. Some of them wrote things that implied the person made a bad first impression, and for some dumb reason my brain keeps saying it's me.
Not helped by the 'random chat' I had earlier this week with a US-based coworker (a thing you can sign up to do, to meet colleagues that you might not otherwise talk to) and at the end she commented how these are meant for both people to find out about each other and now my brain is telling me that this means I was talking too much and need to shut up more.
#rejectionSensitiveDysphoria #ADHD #ADHDer #ADHDthings #fml
#RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #adhd #ADHDer #ADHDThings #fml
Sometimes I look at a reply to a post of mine and say to myself "No spoons to reply, I'll do it later" but then I forget. I've done this accross all social media I've ever used. Same goes for texting, I'll forgot to reply to those for days too.
So if I don't reply to you, chances are I wanted to but forgot. #ADHDThings
Sometimes I look at a reply to a post of mine and say to myss "No spoons to reply, I'll do it later" but then I forget. I've done this accross all social media I've ever used. Same goes for texting, I'll forgot to reply to those for days too.
So if I don't reply to you, chances are I wanted to but forgot. #ADHDThings
Somehow my simple task of cleaning out my mug cabinet turned into emptying all the kitchen cupboards and reorganizing… where did all this stuff come from 👀….#adhdthings #adhd #neurodiverse
#ADHDThings #adhd #neurodiverse
Commencer un chapitre avec une idée "géniale" en tête. Oublier le sujet de l'idée en question alors qu'on est au milieu du dialogue introductif du-dit sujet. #ADHDThings
Writing a post about distracting myself
is distracting me from
browsing my timeline
which is distracting me from
looking up an email about pride flags I ordered years ago
which is distracting me from
finishing mending the velcro on my sandal
Writing a post about distracting myself
is distracting me from
browsing my timeline
which is distracting me from
looking up an email about pride flags I ordered years ago
which is distracting me from
finishing mending the velcro on my sandal
- "You can't please everyone"
- "I have ADHD. Saying that, is not gonna stop me trying"