Megan Paasch · @meganpaasch
187 followers · 235 posts · Server

I need (or so I'm told) to set up an author newsletter, preferably *before* my book comes out, and I honestly have no idea what I'd even say in it. Do I really have to? Because it's probably just going to become another thing I forget to update and then put off because I've forgotten to update it ands feel guilty about it, and then put off more because so much procrastination guilt causes more procrastination and... yeah, maybe it's not the best idea for me?


Last updated 2 years ago

Heather · @jupitersigh
37 followers · 193 posts · Server

Dear fellow ADHD writers, how do you tend to write and get stuff completed? I have about six or more stories in my head at the moment and would love them all to be written. But I have difficulty getting even one written because I keep flitting between them all. Do you embrace the chaos and wait for hyperfocus on one? Do you write them all simultaneously on a loop? What's your method?

#adhd #writers #writing #ADHDWriter

Last updated 2 years ago

Caleb Kerney · @ckerney
18 followers · 10 posts · Server

My latest article. I look at the reasons why Hronek has been the best defender.

#RedWings #hockey #ADHDWriter #hockeywriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Is diagnosis a "label"?

“Growing up with something, which you feel is different, but has no name and nobody understands or recognizes it, is not growing up without a label; it's growing up with the label of either 'lazy', 'flakey', 'spacey', 'wrong', 'uncooperative', which is always much worse than the label 'ADHD'.”



Full podcast interview:

#adhd #ADHDParenting #adhdgirls #ADHDwomen #ADHDWriter #ADHDproblems #ADHDer #ADHDers

Last updated 2 years ago

Is diagnosis a "label"?

“Growing up with something, which you feel is different, but has no name and nobody understands or recognizes it, is not growing up without a label; it's growing up with the label of either 'lazy', 'flakey', 'spacey', 'wrong', 'uncooperative', which is always much worse than the label 'ADHD'.”



Full podcast interview:

#adhd #ADHDParenting #adhdgirls #ADHDwomen #ADHDWriter #ADHDproblems #ADHDer #ADHDers

Last updated 2 years ago

Is diagnosis a "label"?

“Growing up with something, which you feel is different, but has no name and nobody understands or recognizes it, is not growing up without a label; it's growing up with the label of either 'lazy', 'flakey', 'spacey', 'wrong', 'uncooperative', which is always much worse than the label 'ADHD'.”


#adhd #ADHDParenting #adhdgirls #ADHDwomen #ADHDWriter #ADHDproblems #ADHDer #ADHDers

Last updated 2 years ago

Kellie Lynch · @kelliedlynch
67 followers · 57 posts · Server

I made this:

Sprinter is a tool for timed inspired by , which is sadly no longer updated. Set a word count goal and a timer, and it'll remind you to keep going if you slow down.

I never would've finished one novel without Write Or Die, let alone a dozen, so I hope this helps people like me who can't write without the sword of Damocles glinting above.

Feature requests? Let me know!

#writing #sprints #writeordie #writer #author #writingtools #writingsprints #ADHDWriter

Last updated 2 years ago

maloki, writes things · @maloki
166 followers · 252 posts · Server

Me: I need a long rest, no writing all weekend. No for me on Sunday, good luck friend!

Me, 42min before WritingTreat starts: oh my God I know a perfect thing to write is all in my head, I need to get it down, I might as well go join!

I guess I see you in the jitsi in 39 minutes from now!

PS, Let me know if you want the link to the matrix chat for writers
Or the jitsi video chat we're starting soon!

Time to fetch some breakfast and coffee I guess 🤔

#nanowrimo #ADHDWriter #AmWriting #WritingTreat

Last updated 2 years ago

L.J. is writing out · @ljwrites
149 followers · 2888 posts · Server

The three of us @jessmahler , @ljwrites , and @maloki --will be hosting writing video chat rooms throughout November for , 08:00~10:00 am UTC Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday!

The next one will be at Thursday 08:00 am UTC, hosted by me, @ljwrites. Come to talk shop, sprint, and do challenges throughout November!

(See further info downthread)

#actuallyautistic #ADHDWriter #DailyWriting #AmWriting #nanowrimo

Last updated 2 years ago