Kid's party in my house today. As I live with a bunch of #ADHDers, planning and prep can be chaotic.
So I wrote out a list of each job (big + small, from making icing to emptying bins etc) to be done. It worked a treat. Everyone just kept checking the list + choosing what suited them and ticked off the jobs. We were ready an hour before the party is beginning which is unheard of in this house. And meant the endless job list was not fizzing stressfully around my head and I did not give orders.
Saí pra comprar rucola e entrei no salão pra cortar o cabelo 2 min depois de ter marcado horário em outro salão pra cortar o cabelo amanhã. #ADHDers #adhdisreal #TDA #impulsivemuch
#ADHDers #adhdisreal #TDA #impulsivemuch
ADHD reading dilemma (a thread):
I love to read! I looove to emerge myself into sci-fi and fantasy worlds.
I rarely read with my eyes. Only if that is my only option for a specific book —and the occational graphic novel. When reading with my eyes I strictly do physical books due to sensory issues from too much screen reading.
I prefer to listen to audio books while doing chores and repetitive tasks in my home.
And now to the dilemma 🧵
#books #mastobook #fedibooks #ADHDers #neurodivergens
✨ Still accepting beta readers for a cozy fantasy taking place in an ADHD wonderland! ✨
Sign up:
#BetaReaders #BetaReader #CozyFantasy #Cozy #Fantasy #ADHD #ADHDer #ADHDers #ADHDWomen #ADHDWriter #FantasyBooks #FantasyFiction #ReadersOfMastodon #ReadersCommunity
#betareaders #betareader #cozyfantasy #cozy #fantasy #adhd #ADHDer #ADHDers #ADHDwomen #ADHDWriter #fantasybooks #fantasyfiction #readersofmastodon #readerscommunity
#AppleAndOnion S1E11 ("Apple's Focus") is great #ADHD representation. It's silly and lighthearted, while it also conveying the difficult relationship we have with our ability to direct our focus.
They did a really good job showing how it can be frustrating for others that rely on us, how it impacts us to feel like we're letting them down despite the fact that we mean well and try as hard as we can, and then the story ties it all up nicely by demonstrating how we can take control of our focus again by working with our brains instead of against them.
This show is criminally underappreciated. These 12-minute episodes of a goofy children's cartoon are shockingly good at conveying the #neurodivergent experience in a way that is relatable and compassionate without taking itself too seriously. And of course, it's very accessible for children.
#appleandonion #adhd #neurodivergent #ADHDers #autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodiversesquad
ADHDers, what activities make you sleepy?
Insomnia research suggests if you can't fall asleep within 20 mins, get up and do something "boring" until you feel sleepy again.
A. Boredom makes me angry, not sleepy.
B. A lot of things that neurotypicals find boring, I find interesting.
"Do you think Lou Bega knocked it out of the park with Mambo Number One? No! But he kept at it!"
I'm sorry for the tone I used once the meds started wearing off.
#ADHD #ADHDmemes #ADHDers #NeuroDiverseSquad #JoinIn #Today #WhenTheMedsWearOff #LateNightGang
#adhd #adhdmemes #ADHDers #neurodiversesquad #joinin #today #whenthemedswearoff #latenightgang
I think I've found the 🗝️ to enter hyperfocus!
Listening to "Relaxing Zelda Music with Campfire Ambience" has increased my productivity my like 1000% today 😂😂
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #GamingVibes
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #gamingvibes
I think I've found the 🗝️ to enter hyperfocus!
Listening to "Relaxing Zelda Music with Campfire Ambience" has increased my productivity my like 1000% today 😂😂
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #GamingVibes
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #gamingvibes
I think I've found the 🗝️ to enter hyperfocus!
Listening to "Relaxing Zelda Music with Campfire Ambience" has increased my productivity my like 1000% today 😂😂
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #GamingVibes
#adhdlife #ADHDers #ADHDhack #productivityhabits #zelda #breathofthewild #gamingvibes
I'm sorry for the tone I used once the meds started wearing off.
#ADHD #ADHDmemes #ADHDers #NeuroDiverseSquad #JoinIn #Today #WhenTheMedsWearOff #LateNightGang
#adhd #adhdmemes #neurodiversesquad #joinin #today #whenthemedswearoff #latenightgang #ADHDers
Therapist said in my last session that this is one of the things parents of ADHD kids say a lot and believe it or not it's not helpful lol #adhd #ADHDawareness #ADHDers #neurodivergent #adultADHD
#adultadhd #neurodivergent #ADHDers #adhdawareness #adhd
Although I quite like this person's take on the various categories on the ADHD Spectrum Test:
#ADHD #ADHDers #Nerodiversesquad #JoinIn #Today #LateNightGang
#adhd #ADHDers #nerodiversesquad #joinin #today #latenightgang
@ADHDefy Here are my results:
#adhd #ADHDers #neurodiversesquad
Ayyyyy lol
Idk how accurate this is, because I was diagnosed with primarily inattentive-type ADHD and not as much hyperactive (but it was both), though it seems mostly right. If I was self-rating, I would probably flip the Impulsivity and Emotional Dysregulation scores, and the Inattention and Hyperactivity scores. But idk, on one hand, I'm almost certainly biased, though on the other, this test was only like 35 questions and my real diagnosis was like a 2-day testing extravaganza, so like... idk w/e, man.
I would take the results with a grain of salt, but if you're wondering if you have ADHD, this test could potentially clue you in.
Also, if you get high scores and feel shitty about it, remember that this test doesn't take into account that we can process huge amounts of sensory information all at once, our ability to hyperfocus is near superhuman, we're highly creative people, and we're usually pretty funny/charming. There's a lot to love, too.
#adhd #ADHDers #neurodiversesquad
I just want to say that I think the openness, candidness, supportiveness, and displays of pride around #neurodiversity / #neurodivergents here on #fedi is fucking beautiful.
I've never been in another community quite like it. You are all cool as hell, collectively and as individuals. Thank you for making me feel at home.
#ADHD #ADHDers #AuDHD #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #NeurodiverseSquad
#neurodiversity #neurodivergents #fedi #adhd #ADHDers #audhd #autism #actuallyautistic #neurodiversesquad
Best TV characters that def have #ADHD and are either inspirational figures or become inspirational through character development in their respective series':
* Special Agent Dale Cooper, "Twin Peaks"
* Phil Dunphy, "Modern Family"
* Luz, "The Owl House" (*#AuDHD)
* Jamal Turner, "On My Block"
* Devi Vishwakumar, "Never Have I Ever"
* Shawn Spencer, "Psych"
Who am I missing?