Random Roar: It’s Everyone’s Problem Now
Super Adventure Twitch Streaming: Drew & Angela vs. the Soulless Army
#Editorials #ADayOffTwitch #RandomRoar #Twitch
#editorials #ADayOffTwitch #RandomRoar #twitch
Random Roar: It’s Everyone’s Problem Now
Super Adventure Twitch Streaming: Drew & Angela vs. the Soulless Army
#Editorials #ADayOffTwitch #RandomRoar #Twitch
#editorials #ADayOffTwitch #RandomRoar #twitch
Cox is getting its revenge for us taking #ADayOffTwitch and our connection is dropping 3% again. Hope this is fixed in time for Alice's stream, but not holding our breath.
#ADayOffTwitch #truckcommunity
Data analysis suggests that yesterday's #ADayOffTwitch protest resulted in a minimum 5% drop in viewership: https://creatorhype.com/how-adayofftwitch-impacted-twitch/
RT @MDKII@twitter.com
Twitch viewership during #ADayOffTwitch dropped from 4.5 mil to 3.5 mil; a substantial chunk.
Well look at that - about a million folks took #ADayOffTwitch the other day. So much for the nonsense dorks were spouting that nobody was interested. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-09-02-twitch-streamers-adayofftwitch-protest-hits-platform-viewer-totals
RT @antistream@twitter.com
Les effets de #ADayOffTwitch ont bien été perceptibles, et merci à toustes pour cette mobilisation !
Twitch a dû décaler la lancement du subtember et il y a une baisse de 1 millions de viewers au pic de la journée, sur une moyenne de 4,5M 🤯
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/antistream/status/1433338484845162499
RT @Banzaibabee
Wither you decide to stream or not today. The most important thing about #ADayOffTwitch is to discuss that hate raids/botting are a problem on Twitch. No one should have to experience harassment just for existing. Understand that not everyone can take off today and/or (1/2)
RT @ProxyGlitchcat
Taking #ADayOffTwitch and none of y’all should cross this picket line.
Botting and hate raids have become even more common after the past few weeks, especially targeting smaller channels with marginalized identity tags. We want real reform & better protection.
I just sent out Patreon patron rewards for episode 145
This included almost three hours of bonus audio, a note on why we aren't streaming today in support of #ADayOffTwitch, and a copy of our show notes for our last episode.
You could get this stuff too!
RT @Patchwork_vid@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Patchwork_vid/status/1433013207392784384
RT @AlineAndOut@twitter.com
Comme je l'avais dit, pas de stream ce soir, je rejoins le mouvement #ADayOffTwitch, même avec ma maigre contribution.
Je vous recommande vivement de ne pas streamer et de ne pas regarder de streams aujourd'hui. 🤙
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlineAndOut/status/1433004648294715394
Streamers planean boicot contra Twitch como protesta tras raids de odio #ADayOffTwitch https://www.levelup.com/noticias/638630/Streamers-planean-boicot-contra-Twitch-como-protesta-tras-raids-de-odio
A dérouler.
RT @dassa_ju@twitter.com
#ADayOffTwitch est une action visant à attirer l'attention de Twitch sur le harcèlement et les hate raid visant les minorités sur la plateforme. La proposition : ne pas utiliser Twitch aujourd'hui ! La cause est juste et mérite d'être entendue ! https://twitter.com/RekItRaven/status/1430531044319584262
#ADayOffTwitch #dayofftwitch #TWITCHBLACKOUT
RT @Jarm0u@twitter.com
Parce que les attaques se multiplient et que rien n'est fait.
Pas de stream pour moi aujourd'hui.
#ADayOffTwitch #TwitchDoBetter #twitchblackout https://twitter.com/_DollyWood_/status/1432950326114541570
#ADayOffTwitch #TwitchDoBetter #TWITCHBLACKOUT
RT @afrogameuses@twitter.com
#ADayOffTwitch est un boycott nécessaire pour des streameur.euses qui sont au quotidien attaqués par des bots racistes et raids haineux. #TwitchDoBetter Ne streamez pas aujourd’hui pour soutenir cette initiative de prise de conscience.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/afrogameuses/status/1432974167763308545
#ADayOffTwitch #TwitchDoBetter
Oh j'avais pas vu mais aujourd'hui y'a un mouvement social de streameur-euse-s.
as well as a reminder that tomorrow (in some timezones), september 1st, a strike is being held in asking for twitch to solve the harassment on its platform. don't cross the picket line.
#TwitchDoBetter #ADayOffTwitch
RT @twistCMYK@twitter.com
a notice/reminder that tomorrow is #ADayOffTwitch to combat twitch's harassment problem!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/twistCMYK/status/1432852012610244610