Next #AEW PPVs (a Thread)
#AEW All In London on August 27
#AEW All Out on 3 of September in Chicago
#AEW #NJPW #AEWxNJPW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WomensWrestling #AEWAllIn #AEWAllOut
#AEWAllOut #aewallin #womenswrestling #prowrestling #wrestling #AEWxNJPW #njpw #aew
#POSTWrestling Podcast - #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023 Review:
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents - WWT News - 6.26.23:
#BustedOpen Podcast -
a. 'The Master's Class' - Chasing 5 Stars:
b. Forbidden Door 2023 Review:
The #NewDayPod-cast, Feel The Power - Best Of... Kofi vs. Zelina:
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#newdaypod #bustedopen #womenswrestling #ForbiddenDoor #AEWxNJPW #postwrestling
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) & #NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023 PPV -
a. Non-U.S. via #FITETV:
b. U.S. Only via #BleacherReport:
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) & #NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023 Post-Show Media Scrum | 6/25/23, Toronto, Ontario:
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#bleacherreport #fitetv #ForbiddenDoor #AEWxNJPW #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan #aew #allelitewrestling
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) & #NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023 -
a. Media Call w/ #TonyKhan (audio only):
b. Control Center (6/25/23):
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) & #NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023 #ZeroHour pre-show (FREE w/ bonus matches):
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#ZeroHour #tonykhan #ForbiddenDoor #AEWxNJPW #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan #aew #allelitewrestling
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 13 hrs. 39 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2023)
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#ForbiddenDoor was a fantastic show. The main event between Bryan Danielson and Okada was really good but it looked like Danielson legit injured his right arm at some point. It never got into high gear and the ending was anticlimactic. Hopefully both guys can do another match in the future. #AEW #AEWxNJPW
ST⭐️RDOM presents 6.10.2023 Kochi on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required):
#POSTWrestling Podcast - #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 2 Preview, Predictions & Match Card
[NOTE: Event + associated media will be on tomorrow night's playlist]:
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#ForbiddenDoor #AEWxNJPW #postwrestling #Stardom #StardomWorld
The #WomensWrestling on this Sundays #ForbiddenDoor on PPV for the #AEW Womens Championship its
#ToniStorm (c) vs #WillowNightingale ( #njpwSTRONG Womens Champion)
#AEW #NJPW #AEWxNJPW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WomensWrestling
#prowrestling #wrestling #AEWxNJPW #njpw #njpwstrong #willownightingale #tonistorm #aew #ForbiddenDoor #womenswrestling
#AEW on birdside :
It’s official!
For the first time ever #Okada vs #bryandanielson
In a rematch to their epic match at #WrestleKingdom17, #WillOspreay will challenge #TheELITE’s #KennyOmegaman (c) for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship
Sunday, June 25th at #ForbiddenDoor LIVE on PPV in Toronto, Canada!
source :
#AEWxNJPW #AEW #NJPW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WrestlingCommunity
#wrestlingcommunity #prowrestling #wrestling #njpw #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor #kennyomegaman #TheElite #willospreay #wrestlekingdom17 #BryanDanielson #okada #aew
Bryan Danielson vs, Okada at #ForbiddenDoor is a dream match that’s probably going to be incredible. Just seeing that is worth buying the show. #AEW #AEWxNJPW
Bryan Danielson vs, Okada at #ForbiddenDoor is a dream match that’s probably going to be incredible. Just seeing that is worth buying the show. #AEW #AEWxNJPW
#AEW on birdside :
It’s official!
For the first time ever #Okada vs #bryandanielson
In a rematch to their epic match at #WrestleKingdom17, #WillOspreay will challenge #TheELITE’s #KennyOmegaman (c) for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship
Sunday, June 25th at #ForbiddenDoor LIVE on PPV in Toronto, Canada!
source :
#AEWxNJPW #AEW #NJPW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WrestlingCommunity
#kennyomegaman #TheElite #willospreay #wrestlekingdom17 #wrestlingcommunity #prowrestling #wrestling #njpw #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor #BryanDanielson #okada #aew
i really hope we get #ClubVenus on AEWs next PPV #ForbiddenDoor
#AEW #njpw #STARDOM #AEWxNJPW #Joshi #JoshiWrestling #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WrestlingCommunity #WomensWrestling
#womenswrestling #wrestlingcommunity #prowrestling #wrestling #joshiwrestling #joshi #AEWxNJPW #Stardom #njpw #aew #ForbiddenDoor #clubvenus
Next #AEW PPVs (a Thread)
#AEW & #NJPW will join forces once again to present #ForbiddenDoor LIVE on PPV in Toronto, Ontario on Sunday, June 25! #AEWxNJPW
#AEW All In London on August 27
#AEW #NJPW #AEWxNJPW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WrestlingCommunity #WomensWrestling
#womenswrestling #wrestlingcommunity #prowrestling #wrestling #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor #njpw #aew
Hey! Use my code "k65ogwe" to get 10 in FITE credits to watch events on the FITE app (like #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor 😁) . Valid on applicable events only, use within 12 months.
So, so many men. 2 women.
And those women aren't "in theme" for the PPV. They could have brought in opponents from Stardom (same ownership as NJPW) to face Thunder Rosa and Jade and maybe Mercedes Martinez. Cut some of the men's non-title matches.
RT @FiteTV
How excited are you for #ForbiddenDoor?
Gotta be Kenny, right?
RT @FiteTV
Who will @JayWhiteNZ face at #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor?