Community delegation and union organizers showed up in a nonviolent effort to support the striking hotel workers at the Double Tree hotel in Downtown #LosAngeles on Friday, August 25.
The general manager who met the group in the lobby responded "no" to most of the community's list of demands for the workers. Also kept trying to put the blame for lack of a deal on the workers, who won't come to the table if a reasonable (keyword reasonable) offer is given.
Everyone deserves to be able to live where they work. No one should have to commute hours back and forth, or sleep in their car during the week, then come to work to scrub or cook for a bunch of rich ungrateful people! Is it really that difficult to pay your workers a living wage?
#labor #UNITEHERE11 #ufcw770 #AFT #clue #poorpeoplescampaign #hotelstrike
#losangeles #labor #unitehere11 #ufcw770 #AFT #clue #poorpeoplescampaign #hotelstrike
Texas Teachers’ convention celebrates voucher victory, calls out rigged political and economic system
Vorarlberg nicht immer ganz so einfach 🤔
Wie schon angekündigt, sind wir am Donnerstag vergangener Woche zu unserer alljährlichen gemeinsamen Tour gestartet.Dieses Jahr ging es erstmalig in unser Nachbarland Österreich nach Vorarlberg.
Die Anreise war eigentlich sehr unbeschwert und wir fuhren über die Schwäbische Alb Richtung A
#touren #schweiz #sterreich #italien #AFT #motorradtouren
L’État continue d’emprunter à des taux « indexés sur l’inflation »
Délirant !
Comme une envie presque avouée de nous ruiner totalement pour justifier ensuite le pire !
RT @aft_france: 🔔 Prochaine émission d’OAT indexées sur l’inflation jeudi 18 août 2022 à 11h50.
Détail de l’annonce de l’émission ➡
#AFT #OATi #OATei #adjudication
#AFT #OATi #OATei #adjudication
The head of the American Federation of #Teachers (#AFT), #RandiWeingarten, makes over half a million dollars per year in her job – more than nine times the average teacher's salary in the U.S.:
#RandiWeingarten #AFT #teachers