#GermanEnergyFact #8: oil
I'm wrapping up this first week with some #oil consumption data for 🇩🇪 (sorry I'm a bit late, this was a family day), based on recent #AGEB data: https://ag-energiebilanzen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/01-Mineraloel_2022.pdf
▶️ Sales of #diesel fuel decreased by 1% from 2021 to 2022, #gasoline +4%, jet fuel +44% (!)
▶️ Mio t are hard to deal with, so here are derived liter/capita numbers: ~490 l diesel, ~270 l gasoline, ~130 l jet fuel per person. Note: these averages includes all people, also those who never drive or fly.
#gasoline #diesel #AGEB #oil #germanenergyfact
#GermanEnergyFact #6 is even more dirty than the last one: #lignite
Here is most recent #AGEB data on lignite for 2022: https://ag-energiebilanzen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BK-KJ22-erste-Schatzung-09.12.2022.pdf
▶️ Primary #energy consumption of lignite in 🇩🇪 increased by 5% in 2022 vs. 2021. #wrongtrend
▶️ The overall consumption in 2022 was 329 TWh. That is nearly 4000 kWh per capita #thatsalot!
▶️ Around 90% of this was used for #electricity generation, which was also up by around 5% vs. 2021, driven by exploding electricity prices
#electricity #thatsalot #wrongtrend #energy #AGEB #lignite #germanenergyfact
#GermanEnergyFact #5: It gets dirty - lets talk about coal.
After two unplanned digressions (LNG and electric cars), I now return to primary #energy consumption facts for 🇩🇪 , this time focusing on hard #coal. I use new #AGEB data available here: https://ag-energiebilanzen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/03-Steinkohle_2022.pdf
▶️ Overall coal consumption increased by nearly 5% in 2022 vs. 2021. #wrongdirection
▶️ Overall consumption in 2022 was 323 TWh, or nearly 4000 TWh per capita. #thisisstillalot
#thisisstillalot #wrongdirection #AGEB #coal #energy #germanenergyfact
Okay, everyone sober again? Then let's start the new year with #GermanEnergyFact #1: Primary #energy consumption.
According to new #AGEB data, German primary energy consumption was 11,829 PJ in 2022. If you are more comfortable with watt-hours: this corresponds to 3286 TWh - or nearly 40,000 kWh per capita.
▶️ More than a third of this is oil - on average a German consumed nearly 14,000 kWh of oil.
▶️ Around a quarter is natural gas, more than 9000 kWh per capita.
#AGEB #energy #germanenergyfact