Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1173 followers · 460 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#22: generation in 🇩🇪 since 1990

I'm concluding my week on with a time series of renewable electricity generation.

▶️ Early 90s: < 20 TWh, most of it hydro power.
▶️ 2022: 253 TWh, more than 13 times as much than 1990.
▶️ Most of the growth came from and power.
▶️ This number has to grow >1000 TWh by 2045 in most relevant climate-neutrality scenarios.

Sources: (erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/Nav) and -Stat (umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim)

#AGEE #BMWK #solar #wind #renewables #electricity #renewable #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1173 followers · 460 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#21: complementary monthly generation of and

Today, no hard numbers, just visuals: monthly generation from PV (yellow) in 🇩🇪 is relatively high between around April and September, while generation from wind power (dark & light blue) is above-average between around October and March. Nice seasonal balancing (on a monthly basis).

Source: -Stat umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim

(sorry, again a German graph - but I'm sure you get the point without reading the legend)

#AGEE #pv #solar #wind #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1173 followers · 460 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#20: generation

Earlier this week, I talked about renewable generation capacity (GW) in 🇩🇪 (facts #16-18). -Stat also provides up-to-date data on renewable electricity generation (TWh): umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim (sorry for the German chart, no time for translation today)

▶️ Overall renewable electricity generation in 2022 was a bit above 250 TWh, the highest value ever. The trend is good - but we need much more to make the really happen

#energiewende #AGEE #electricity #renewable #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1164 followers · 448 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#18: installed capacity of power in 🇩🇪

Now, offshore wind, again using data by -Stat / : umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim. Graphs from the : openenergytracker.org/en/docs/

▶️ By the end of Nov 22, the installed offshore wind power capacity was 8.1 GW.
▶️ There has been hardly any development for years.
▶️ But now 🇩🇪 really plans to get started with a 30 GW target for 2030.
▶️ In 2023 alone, there will be tenders for an additional 8.8 (!) GW.

#openenergytracker #umweltbundesamt #AGEE #wind #offshore #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1163 followers · 444 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#17: installed capacity of power in 🇩🇪

Let's continue with onshore wind capacity, again using data by -Stat / : umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim. Graphs from the : openenergytracker.org/en/docs/

▶️ By the end of Nov 22, the installed onshore wind capacity was 57.9 GW.
▶️ The 🇩🇪 government aims for 115 GW by 2030.
▶️ Currently we are below the required expansion path, and the speed has to increase a lot to meet the 2030 target.

#energiewende #openenergytracker #umweltbundesamt #AGEE #wind #onshore #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolf-Peter Schill · @wpschill
1160 followers · 437 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#16: installed capacity of in 🇩🇪

I promised this week would focus on , so let's continue with solar capacity, using data published today by -Stat / : umweltbundesamt.de/themen/klim. Graphs from the : openenergytracker.org/en/docs/

▶️ By the end of Nov 22, PV capacity was 66.1 GW.
▶️ The 🇩🇪 government aims for 215 GW by 2030.
▶️ Currently we are on track, but the expansion speed has to increase to meet the 2030 target.

#openenergytracker #umweltbundesamt #AGEE #photovoltaics #renewables #pv #solar #germanenergyfact

Last updated 2 years ago