In GREEK means
Lifting of the #Veil or #Disclosure
We are Leaving the AGE of Pisces
🌝 #Pisces is represented In #Tarot by the #MOON card
🌝 The MOON card represents #Secrets - things #hidden - what’s “unknown” behind THE VEIL
♒️ & NOW We are entering the AGE of #Aquarius
✌️So in essence “the apocalypse” MEANS LEAVING the AGE of Pisces
✌️& THEN US going into the AGE of Aquarius
✌️ & the Pisces VEIL is BEING Lifted FROM #HUMANITY
♓️ Humanity GOING from 1 AGE - to the NEW #AGEofAquarius
Apocalypse doesn’t MEAN it’s the “END IF THE WORLD”!!!!
♒️ It Means being ABLE TO SEE the WORLD WithOut the SECRETS being HIDDEN AnyMore
♒️ so WE ALL can GO FORWARD 🙏into a NEW AGE 🙏 seeing the #TRUTH
#truth #AGEofAquarius #humanity #aquarius #Hidden #secrets #moon #tarot #Pisces #disclosure #Veil #Apocalypse