Oggi abbiamo votato in Commissione #Itre e #Agri il #PPWR, il regolamento sugli imballaggi in #UE. Ancora una volta gli emendamenti della #lega hanno difeso il comparto contro le ideologie green che miravano a rovinare un intero settore. Ci vuole pragmatismo e #buonsenso! https://t.co/muVHUHFh30
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/elenalizzi/status/1681667227525758978
#ITRE #AGRI #PPWR #UE #Lega #buonsenso
📺Tune in now if you're interested in how space solutions can help the agrifood sector 👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
STOA Panel: 🔴Today from 15h:
Debate @EP_Agriculture in #EUParliament on #AI & #space solutions in #agriculture🛰️
Incl #STOA study '#ArtificialIntelligence in #agri-#food sector: applications, risks & impacts'
✅Info & watch live: https://europa.eu/!gBH6FH
✅Study: https://europa.eu/!VPCr8T https://t.co/WzQp1mrIBd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1681657133425741825
#EUParliament #AI #space #agriculture #STOA #ArtificialIntelligence #AGRI #food
Na odboru @Europarl_SL za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja #AGRI sem na @EU_Commission naslovil vprašanja glede izvajanja Skupne kmetijske politike in vpliva nove zakonodaje, kot je npr. nerealističen predlog Zakona o obnovi narave. https://youtu.be/b3I_z9Ll4Pw
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1674392276691300352
Es wird Zeit, dass d. Unterstützung der ukrainischen #Getreideexporte seitens der EU funktioniert!
Die Transportlogistik ist weiterhin unbefriedigend, Anrainer haben d. Nachsehen und #Spekulanten bereichern sich am Markt.
D. #EU muss noch deutlich nachsteuern!
Meine Rede im #AGRI https://t.co/Mu7uKagNEu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1674062075792957442
#Getreideexporte #Spekulanten #EU #AGRI
KOM-Vorschlag "Wiederherstellung der Natur" scheitert auch im 3. Parlamentsausschuss #PECH #AGRI #ENVI. Höchste Zeit neuen, besser abgestimmten, kohärenten Vorschlag vorzulegen. #Biodiversität ist in vielen EU-Vorhaben wie #LULUCF und in der #GAP verankert. @EPPGroup @CDU_CSU_EP https://t.co/3bUtxddScY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hildebentele/status/1673745068560203776
#PECH #AGRI #ENVI #Biodiversität #lulucf #GAP
RT @WaltonInst: Executive Director of Walton and Project Co-ordinator, @kevindoolin speaking at the @EUAgri conference in #Brussels this afternoon.
#HorizonEU #Agri #EU #agriresearch https://t.co/5kLG1fpDi2 https://t.co/hgSL6WIc6O
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUAgri/status/1664277018157154305
#Brussels #HorizonEU #AGRI #EU #AgriResearch
Continua l'opera di smantellamento del #GreenDeal in presenza di una crescente emergenza climatica e di soluzioni ancora fattibili per farvi fronte. Fra un po' costerà di più e sarà ancora piu difficile. Ecco chi ha fatto cadere in #AGRI #RestoreNature
RT @GreensEFA: Conservative @EPPGroup & liberal
@RenewEurope aligned with the far-right to block a new EU law to #RestoreNature.
But they have 0 solution for farmers suffering from drought & floods! #NoNatureNoFo…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1662121533777608708
#GreenDeal #AGRI #RestoreNature #NoNatureNoFo
RT @wienerofficial: An accurate portrayal of what happened with the #NatureRestorationLaw in the #AGRI committee
After weeks of negotiations and countless hours invested, a majority of conservatives, liberals & far right swept everything off the table again. 1/
#RestoreNature #NoNatureNoFood https://t.co/PTbM1xbZmh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1661387632742391812
#NatureRestorationLaw #AGRI #RestoreNature #NoNatureNoFood
Periodaccio per il #Greendeal. La lobby fossile riesce a fare respingere in Commissione #Agri al PE la nuova legge #RestoreNature. La destra, accompagnata da macronisti e #PPE, rivela la sua strategia elettorale: ritardare a forza di propaganda e bugie la transizione verde.
RT @GreensEFA: The @EPPGroup & @RenewEurope in AGRI committee choose to team up with extreme right to block a new law to #RestoreNature.
Today's shameful vote only gives us more strength to k…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1661459739065081858
#GreenDeal #AGRI #RestoreNature #ppe
RT @vilt_nieuws: EP-commissie Landbouw verwerpt #natuurherstelwet #AGRI #ENVI @tomvdkendelaere @hildevautmans https://vilt.be/nl/nieuws/ep-commissie-landbouw-verwerpt-natuurherstelwet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hildevautmans/status/1661107750531743744
RT @vilt_nieuws: EP-commissie Landbouw verwerpt #natuurherstelwet #AGRI #ENVI @tomvdkendelaere @hildevautmans https://vilt.be/nl/nieuws/ep-commissie-landbouw-verwerpt-natuurherstelwet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tomvdkendelaere/status/1661042182202048513
RT @AnnaDeparnay: !!! Unbelievable how conservatives and liberals are blocking the nature restoration law #NRL. They actually just rejected the whole commission's proposal in the Agriculture Committee !!! #AGRI #EP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1661021900800430080
KCIC in partnership with the #EuinKenya and the Danish International Development Agency #Danida are funding #AgriBiz, a 5-year program to be a catalyst and enabler towards greater involvement of #women & #youth in #agri and #livestock value chains
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1643280614974472195
#EUinKenya #Danida #AgriBiz #women #youth #AGRI #livestock
With the #GlobalGateway #EU and it’s 27 member states are partnering with Kenyan #agri actors to help farmers affected by climate change to raise their production and resilience.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1643152214175670272
RT @FNSEA: [#congrèsFNSEA2023] @ChLambert_FNSEA : "Alors que la Chine et les E-U réarment à grand renfort de milliards dans leur #agri. L'UE déroule un Green Deal pensé sur le monde d’avant, feignant d’ignorer que les paradigmes ont changé. Renonçant ainsi à notre capacité d’influence."
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jpraffarin/status/1641728274970603521
.@EUCouncil and @europarl_en are discussing now key initiatives that will shape European #agriculture for the years to come.
We expect that EU will make available all existing tools to support the #agri-#food sector e.g. by reducing dependencies
@patrickpagani1 from @COPACOGECA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/employers_EESC/status/1638480529971458048
🙏🏻🍏Thank you #better3fruit for receiving the @EPPGroup #AGRI colleagues in Aarschot today. A showcase of Belgian innovation and expertise, important views too on New Breeding Techniques.🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tomvdkendelaere/status/1633532977337516040
"#Agri-#food #retail is being impacted by price increases every day and we are trying not to pass on the proportion of these increases to the consumer"
writes @Goncaloboxavier in @ECO_PT
Read the full article: https://eco.sapo.pt/2023/03/06/retalho-justifica-aumentos-nos-alimentos-com-subida-do-preco-das-materias-primas/
🇵🇹 em português
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/employers_EESC/status/1633111236337455105
Rencontres très intéressante avec l'afd et le Cirad.
L’expérience des contextes africains est incontournable pour penser les politiques de souveraineté alimentaire partout sur la planète.
#SIA2023 #Agri #Alimentation
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EricAndrieuEU/status/1631260287511691264
«Aujourd’hui, vous n'avez pas les moyens de contraindre les États 🇪🇺 à respecter les engagements sur le #greendeal
Cette réforme #PAC n'est en fait que le fruit du détricotage de ce que fut la Politique Agricole commune »
La suite de mon interpellation du Commissaire #Agri ici ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EricAndrieuEU/status/1620795916033851392