Navigating Academic Waters: Finding Your Niche
Webinar series from Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science and #AGU #Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee
First session is September 14
#CriticalZone #EnvironmentalScience #Science
Register here:
#science #EnvironmentalScience #CriticalZone #hydrology #AGU
AGU23 Session Submittal Requests - Flash Floods and Debris Flows After Wildfire - Process Understanding to Hazard Assessment
-- <-- make submittal
“Do you work in postfire hazards? Consider presenting in our AGU 2023 session, "Flash Floods and Debris Flows after Wildfire." The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, August 2nd!..” ~ Matthew A. Thomas, USGS
#GIS #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #AGU23 #conference #paper #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #naturalhazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #assessment #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #process #processes #AGU #AGU23
#conference #paper #gis #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #agu23 #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #NaturalHazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #assessment #process #processes
RT @SinaSaneiyan
Exciting new subcommittee! Join us on this Wednesday (April 12) at 11:00 am EST to discuss the future of hydrogeophysics at SEG. #geophysics #hydrology #hydrogeology #agu #seg
Guest speaker: Fred Day-Lewis (PNNL)
Register here:
#geophysics #hydrology #Hydrogeology #AGU #seg
#Nature: Outcry as scientists sanctioned for climate protest
Researchers have asked the American Geophysical Union to reverse actions it took against scientists who demonstrated.
Myriam Vidal Valero
More than 2,000 researchers signed a letter asking #AGU to reverse actions against two scientists who protested at its annual meeting. The demonstration was minor, the letter says, and it is scientists’ responsibility to speak up about #GlobalWarming.
#nature #AGU #globalwarming #climateaction
Indeed, and even this:
«The spokesperson also said that the society provides opportunities for people “year round” to reserve space for public engagement at all its meetings, and has a proactive stance on “aggressively” addressing the urgency of climate change.»
This sort of inaction and worshipping the status quo has in a way led us to this mess we are in.
With #AGU23 abstract proposals now open it's a great opportunity to share our #RoadToAGU series.
In this series of short videos Cluster member Bryn Stewart talks about preparing to attend the American Geophysical Union annual fall meeting for the first time.
#AGU #sciencecommunication #scicomm #roadtoagu #agu23
I am so excited to be working with this fantastic team of early career #researchers at the #AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee as a Co-Chair of #Outreach Committee and a member of #Conference Committee.
AGU #H3S provides students and early career #hydrologists with opportunities for professional development as well as social interaction and networking within the broader #geosciences #community. I'm thrilled to see what we can achieve together and can't wait to get started.
#Community #geosciences #hydrologists #h3s #conference #outreach #AGU #researchers
I am so excited to be working with this fantastic team of early career #researchers from 27 institutions internationally at the #AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (#H3S).
I will be serving as a co-chair of #Outreach Committee and a member of #Conference Committee for the next two years. I'm thrilled to see what we can achieve together and can't wait to get started.
#Community #hydrology #scicomm #team #conference #outreach #h3s #AGU #researchers
@wolfgangcramer @ultracricket @ClimateHuman @ScientistRebellion @scientifiques_en_rebellion Yes it's given me pause about whether to become a dues-paying member of #AGU (it was much cheaper when I was a student)
So #AGU received funding from Chevron until recently - is that the reason why they cannot tolerate peaceful encouragement of climate activism? @ultracricket (thank you @jpgattuso for posting this earlier) #OutOfTheLabAndIntoTheStreets
#outofthelabandintothestreets #AGU
« Markey Demands Answers From AGU About Scientists Punished Over Climate Protest »
#climate #AGU
RT The Tories have taken enough
Now WE must to stop this vandalism -
#Strike & #Protest ONLY on Mondays
Max pressure for GE over time
Min disruption to public
Not just Unions
When the Law ceases to apply to them we must cease to listen
An #AGU campaign x )
#Strike #protest #lockdownmondays4ge #AGU
RT and, two very respected colleagues of ours, were sanctioned for #ClimateAction during #AGU. This is unacceptable retaliation against scientists speaking out for #ClimateJustice. Please sign the letter of support until Sat here:
#ClimateAction #AGU #ClimateJustice and, two very respected colleagues of ours, were sanctioned for #ClimateAction during #AGU. This is unacceptable retaliation against scientists speaking out for #ClimateJustice. Please sign the letter of support until Sat here:
#ClimateAction #AGU #ClimateJustice
So Will Smith gets away with an Oscar even if he smacks someone on stage, but scientists (@ClimateHuman and @ultracricket) non-violently spreading the word of #ClimateCrisis in #AGU gets expelled and removed from the programme? Strange times indeed.
For this simple action, Rose and Peter were banned from the conference. Note: the fossil fuel company Chevron has historically been a major sponsor of #AGU. But it didn’t end there. (3/5)
In December, Rose and @ClimateHuman raised a banner that read “Out of the lab and into the streets” at #AGU, the largest gathering of earth and space scientists on Turtle Island. Their message was clear: it’s time for scientists to act to defend our Earth. (2/5)
I can't follow hashtags until they exist, so…
Poster presentation at the recent #AGU meeting ('Impacts of #Satellite #Reentry on Atmospheric Composition in the Era of Mega-Constellations: Molecular Dynamics Simulations') concludes: “12% of reentry mass turns into Aluminum Oxide clusters, likely reacting with the #ozone layer in 20 to 100 years and thus increasing shortwave radiative forcing.”
#AGU #satellite #reentry #ozone #Geoengineering #megaconstellations