40 days left to the submission deadline of #EuropeanLispSymposium (#ELSConf) in #Amsterdam:
🧷 (Friendica) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/!gqlYAZsfzSnmFNEHAT:magdeburg.jetzt/$z7kGECRQluF1iZzNhW-0I1e3lUmg-pff8PcAh96gox4
🦎 (Telegram) https://telegram.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Clojure #Racket #Emacs #ACL2 #AutoLisp # ISLisp #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #InterLisp #Medley #OpenGenera #Symbolics #ThinkingMachines #ConnectionMachine #MultiLisp #AMOP #CLOS #SICP #PAIP #AIMA #Lambda #CLtL2 #HTDP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #ELSCONF #amsterdam #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #clojure #racket #emacs #acl2 #autolisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #interlisp #medley #opengenera #symbolics #thinkingmachines #connectionmachine #multilisp #AMOP #clos #sicp #paip #AIMA #lambda #cltl2 #htdp
On #Friendica and #Telegram:
›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
🔗 Friendica: https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 Telegram: https://t.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #CommonLisp #Scheme #EmacsLisp #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #Jank #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #FunctionalProgramming #AMOP #SICP #CLOS #PAIP #CLtL2 #AIMA #Emacs #VIM #LispWorks #AllegroCommonLisp #ACL #CLISP #SBCL #MetaObject #MetaObjectSystem
#friendica #telegram #lisp #ELSCONF #amsterdam #commonlisp #scheme #emacslisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #jank #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #functionalprogramming #AMOP #sicp #clos #paip #cltl2 #AIMA #emacs #vim #lispworks #allegrocommonlisp #acl #clisp #sbcl #metaobject #metaobjectsystem
If you would like to come over to a friendly group on Telegram focused on the programming languages in the #FamilyOfLisp — please feel welcomed to join!
We are here:
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Racket #InterLisp #Clojure #BaLindaLisp #Hy #ELSConf #ZetaLisp #LispMachine #ConnectionMachine #ThinkingMachines #Emacs #AutoLisp #CLOS #AMOP #SICP #CLtL2 #PAIP #AIMA #PCL #Symbolics #Genera #DylanLang #LFE #ISLisp #Arc #Janet #Jank #OnLisp #HTDP #CLHS #EuLisp
#familyoflisp #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #racket #interlisp #clojure #balindalisp #hy #ELSCONF #zetalisp #lispmachine #connectionmachine #thinkingmachines #emacs #autolisp #clos #AMOP #sicp #cltl2 #paip #AIMA #pcl #symbolics #genera #dylanlang #lfe #islisp #arc #janet #jank #onlisp #htdp #clhs #eulisp
#ComedyTouchTouch1000 #CLARKE #Pree #Dorian #MAXMX43 #TheMan #TAALR #Giant #A.L.I.E #Vigil #Stella #Overmind #V #A.D.I.S.N. #TheQuail #Gideon #Orak #Brainiac #Batcomputer #CerebroCerebra #Computo #Ultron #MotherBox #Fate #Banana,Jr.6000 #Max #Auntie #A.I.D.A. #Kilg%re #Project2501 #Yggdrasil #DTXPC #Beast666 #HOMER #TheMagi #Toy #Virgo #Praetorius #Erwin #AIMA #Answertron2000 #iFruit #EnnesbyLunesbyPeteyTAGAthens #Melchizedek #Merlin #Normad #Aura #TreeDiagram #Europa #Benson #PRISM #MotherBrain #GW #MotherBrain #BaseCochiseAI #DIA51 #Noah #DurandalLeelaTycho #TraxusIV #LINC #0D-10 #Prometheus #SEED #AM #CABAL #EVA #KAOS #MotherBrain #XenocidicInitiative #PC #Pokedex #Centralconsciousness #GOLAN #PipBoy2000/PipBoy3000 #ZAX #ACE #Sol—9000SystemDeus #FATE #NEXUSIntruderProgram #SHODAN #XERXES #IcarusDaedalusHeliosMorpheusTheOracle #Mainframe #343GuiltySpark #Calculator #Cortana #DeadlyBrain #PETs #Thiefnetcomputer #Adam #AuraMorganna #Dr.Carroll #TheController #ADA #IBIS #2401PenitentTangent #Angel #Durga/Melissa/Yasmine #TheMechanoids #TEC-XX #Dvorak #TemperNet #Animus #AuroraUnit #TheCatalysttheIntelligence
#TheCatalysttheIntelligence #AuroraUnit #animus #TemperNet #dvorak #tec #TheMechanoids #Durga #angel #2401PenitentTangent #ibis #ada #TheController #dr #AuraMorganna #adam #Thiefnetcomputer #pets #DeadlyBrain #cortana #calculator #343GuiltySpark #mainframe #IcarusDaedalusHeliosMorpheusTheOracle #xerxes #shodan #NEXUSIntruderProgram #sol #ace #ZAX #PipBoy2000 #golan #Centralconsciousness #pokedex #pc #XenocidicInitiative #kaos #eva #cabal #am #seed #prometheus #0D #LINC #TraxusIV #DurandalLeelaTycho #noah #DIA51 #BaseCochiseAI #gw #MotherBrain #prism #benson #europa #TreeDiagram #aura #Normad #merlin #Melchizedek #EnnesbyLunesbyPeteyTAGAthens #iFruit #Answertron2000 #AIMA #Erwin #Praetorius #virgo #toy #TheMagi #homer #Beast666 #DTXPC #yggdrasil #Project2501 #Kilg #auntie #max #banana #fate #MotherBox #Ultron #Computo #CerebroCerebra #Batcomputer #Brainiac #Orak #Gideon #TheQuail #v #Overmind #stella #vigil #a #giant #TAALR #theman #MAXMX43 #dorian #Pree #clarke #ComedyTouchTouch1000