@nemobis Excellent point! The conference I was at last week - #AIMOS2022 - had a few people speaking on this topic, pointing out how difficult it can be to get publishers to retract bad science and clearly indicate retractions and corrections. So you're absolutely right - this could be more of a reason *for* a well managed repository (like PubMed Central) than against one!
Just enjoyed a very thought-provoking talk by @AndyPerfors on metascience. He sketched a framework for seeing science as an information system, since it is a toolkit for searching through an "idea space" to find trustworthy information. As a librarian, a lot of this resonates with me! 🤓
#AIMOS2022 #metaresearch #MetaScience #informationsystems
Such an interesting paper from @jespinosa about the Many Dogs project! What a great initiative! The first study, led by Dr Espinosa, looked at how dogs understand human gestures, like pointing. 🧍 👉 🐕 ❔
Check out their first preprint, "ManyDogs 1: A Multi-Lab Replication Study of Dogs' Pointing Comprehension," on PsyArXiv: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/f86jq
Learn more about the project: https://manydogsproject.github.io/
#AIMOS2022 #BigTeamScience #Dogs #ManyDogs #Preprint #OpenScience
#AIMOS2022 #bigteamscience #dogs #ManyDogs #preprint #openscience
Excellent lightning talk by @deboraha on study replicability using open data and code. I'm really keen to learn more about the Data Badge Project and the team's attempts to replicate studies with Open Data Badges in Psychological Science.
Preprint: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/729qt
#AIMOS2022 #opendata #replication
Just made copious notes during a fantastic discussion on open peer review between @ginnybarbour, @siminevazire and David Vaux. Like the speakers, I hope we're moving towards more open and transparent peer review models. I think they're so important for creating trust and confidence in research.
#AIMOS2022 #openaccess #openpeerreview #peerreview
Really enjoyed the lightning talk by Bermond Scoggins and Matthew P. Robertson on open data and preregistration practices in political science and international relations. Although rates remain low, it's great to see them increasing since 2020.
Check out their preprint: https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/8h2bp
#AIMOS2022 #OpenScience #OpenAccess #Metaresearch #OpenData #Preregistration #SocialScience
#AIMOS2022 #openscience #openaccess #metaresearch #opendata #PreRegistration #socialscience
I'm at the first conference I've attended since 2019! It's AIMOS 2022, the fourth conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch & Open Science, and it's at my University of Melbourne campus! 👩💻👩🔬
#AIMOS2022 #openscience #openaccess #metaresearch #unimelb