RT @emiliagogu: Check the recently published @EU_ScienceHub study on the current #ArtificialIntelligence Standardisation Landscape https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC131155 #AIAct #humaint #AIWatch @EU_Commission @RoboticsEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RoboticsEU/status/1613119019619389442
#ArtificialIntelligence #AIAct #humaint #AIWatch
RT @emiliagogu: Check the recently published @EU_ScienceHub study on the current #ArtificialIntelligence Standardisation Landscape https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC131155 #AIAct #humaint #AIWatch @EU_Commission @RoboticsEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1612817542166224898
#ArtificialIntelligence #AIAct #humaint #AIWatch
RT @emiliagogu: Not to miss webinar tomorrow and related to recent work from @EU_ScienceHub on #trustworthyAV #HUMAINT #AIWatch https://ai-watch.ec.europa.eu/publications/automatedautonomous-driving_en
#trustworthyAV #humaint #AIWatch
RT @emiliagogu: Thanks @carmeartigas & @ViolaRoberto for mentioning the technical/scientific role of the @EU_ScienceHub in the context of the #AIAct and #DSA. Proud to be part of this! #AI #digitaleconomy #humaint #algorithmictransparency #AIwatch #AISandbox https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/events/launch-event-spanish-regulatory-sandbox-artificial-intelligence
#AIAct #DSA #AI #DigitalEconomy #humaint #algorithmictransparency #AIWatch #AISandbox
RT @LeandaBL: Step 3: AI oversight needs to be robust, covering inputs, intentions, instructions and impacts of AI systems. Here the model you need: https://5rightsfoundation.com/Shedding-light-on-AI---a-framework-for-algorithmic-oversight.pdf @SEDIAgob @carmeartigas #AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch
@DigitalEU @clothildegouj @IoanDragosT @danielvsetecka
#AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch
RT @LeandaBL: Step 1: AI products must be safe by design, especially when used by children. Here the Standard you need: https://engagestandards.ieee.org/Childrens-tech-design-governance.html @RoboticsEU @SEDIAgob @carmeartigas #AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch @DigitalEU @IEEEorg @Standards4EU
#AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch
RT @LeandaBL: @RoboticsEU @SEDIAgob @carmeartigas @DigitalEU @IEEEorg @Standards4EU Step 2: AI policies need to reflect children's existing rights, as set out in the UNCRC General Comment No. 25. Here the Toolkit for its implementation you need: https://childonlinesafetytoolkit.org/ @RoboticsEU
@SEDIAgob @carmeartigas #AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch
#AISandbox #AIAct #TrustwothyAI #AIWatch
RT @EU_ScienceHub: 🎉It's a wrap for the first part of our #AIConference with @InteroperableEU !
⏯️Replay any session you missed on #AIWatch portal 🚀we wait for you at our final event in Brussels on 2⃣2⃣ June!
Register here⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1536617444919353344
RT @EUPublications: It’s #PublicServiceDay! An ideal time to see how #AI in public services is developing and how equally between countries.
Find out in this #AIWatch report from @EU_ScienceHub @stephen_quest: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7ed5aa59-dca1-11ec-a534-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
⚠️See also annexes in 'Related publications' tab!
#PublicServiceDay #AI #AIWatch
In the take-up of #AI in the public sector, can we copy and paste what businesses are doing? Not so simple!
This #AIWatch handbook by @EU_ScienceHub provides possible how-to’s for policymakers and stakeholders. https://europa.eu/!6pkXq7
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1540009205461041154
#AI #AIWatch #PublicServiceDay
It’s #PublicServiceDay! An ideal time to see how #AI in public services is developing and how equally between countries.
Find out in this #AIWatch report from @EU_ScienceHub @stephen_quest: https://europa.eu/!hPcQDX
⚠️See also annexes in 'Related publications' tab!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1540009199803011079
#PublicServiceDay #AI #AIWatch
In the takeup of #AI in the public sector, can we copy and paste what businesses are doing? Not so simple! This #AIWatch handbook by @EU_ScienceHub provides possible how-to’s for policymakers and stakeholders. https://europa.eu/!6pkXq7
#PublicServiceDay #AIConference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1539559318344851456
#AI #AIWatch #PublicServiceDay #AIConference
RT @EU_ScienceHub: 🎉It's a wrap for the first part of our #AIConference with @InteroperableEU !
⏯️Replay any session you missed on #AIWatch portal 🚀we wait for you at our final event in Brussels on 2⃣2⃣ June!
Register here⬇️
RT @EU_ScienceHub@twitter.com
🎉It's a wrap for the first part of our #AIConference with @InteroperableEU@twitter.com !
⏯️Replay any session you missed on #AIWatch portal 🚀we wait for you at our final event in Brussels on 2⃣2⃣ June!
Register here⬇️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EU_ScienceHub/status/1534920867561496577
🎉It's a wrap for the first part of our #AIConference with @InteroperableEU !
⏯️Replay any session you missed on #AIWatch portal 🚀we wait for you at our final event in Brussels on 2⃣2⃣ June!
Register here⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1534920867561496577
RT @DT4REGIONS: ⌛️ While waiting for the registration for the #DT4REGIONS flagship #DT4RBCN conference on 28-29 June to open very soon, there is a new #AIWatch handbook with recommendations on the adoption and use of #AI in and by the public sector in Europe!
Have a read: https://ai-watch.ec.europa.eu/publications/ai-watch-road-adoption-artificial-intelligence-public-sector_en
RT @DT4REGIONS: ⌛️ While waiting for the registration for the #DT4REGIONS flagship #DT4RBCN conference on 28-29 June to open very soon, there is a new #AIWatch handbook with recommendations on the adoption and use of #AI in and by the public sector in Europe!
Have a read: https://ai-watch.ec.europa.eu/publications/ai-watch-road-adoption-artificial-intelligence-public-sector_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ConnectCitiesEU/status/1532368668759404544