I don't get why there hasn't been an #AIWinter, since the "latest" #MLand #NLProc innovations have consistently failed to deliver on their promise to "revolutionize" AI. I remember hearing that deep learning was supposed to be soooo much better than SVMs, and then transformers and LLMs, now *really*-LLMs. Is it that people are afraid of looking foolish if the latest thing actually lives up to the #AIHype? Is it that the same orgs developing the tech are also the ones in charge of hyping it?
#AIWinter #mland #nlproc #aihype
"Verschläft Deutschland die KI-Entwicklung?" https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/ki-strategie-bundesregierung-101.html
JA!!! Seltsam ist nur, dass diese Frage alle paar Jahre immer wieder gestellt wird. Alle sind sich einig, dass etwas getan werden muss. Und es passiert... nichts!
#chatgpt #ai #AIWinter #ki #deutschland
“We’re not on the brink of major technological development here. We’re in the middle of some fiddling at the edges of what came before… Just like the algorithms, we’re stuck repeating the aesthetics…” —Caleb Gamman in “Algorithms”
#AI #algorithms #algorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #perceptrons #NeuralNetworks #NeuralNetworks #AIWinter #Tesla
#ai #algorithms #algorithm #artificialintelligence #perceptrons #neuralnetworks #AIWinter #tesla
Ya hubo un #AiWinter. Antes pensaba que nos esperaba la #AiGlaciation, pero creo que se va a quedar en esas primaveras cerca de los círculos polares donde todo se llena me mosquitos.