According to the #iNaturalist automated classifier, this is a “common hoopoe”, a bird we Catalans call a “puput”. My laugh was heard from the other side of the mountains. Opening up to suggestions from beyond nearby then yielded a springtail genus—what I initially expected.
Seira sp. springtail (tentative) Ridiculously small. Only saw it because I was staring at a crevice cricket and these critters were scurrying around under the strong phone light
Night photography isn’t my thing—no equipment, no training, no practice, and barely ever the occasion.
#machinelearningfail #AIfail #inaturalist
I just had an idea for *John Wick 5*:
Autonomous Waymo car runs over dog in #SanFrancisco – Ars Technica
#robotwars #johnwick #AIfail #sanfrancisco
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 this is fine. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
#AI-Controlled Drone Goes Rogue, Kills Human Operator in USAF Simulated Test
#skynet #whoopsiedaisy #AIfail #ai
A #Photographer Tried to Get His Photos Removed from an #AI Dataset. He Got an Invoice Instead.
#AIfail #uncool #creator #ai #photographer
Dear Microsoft #bing
Do explain where you got this information because it is definitely *not* in our website. 😂
Funny AI fail: #deepl translates #Icelandic _only_ as any other language, example: #Swedish.
Icelandic (you tell Deepl it's Swedish):
Er fyrsti gígurinn ekki beint undir þar sem hraunið lekur út? Spurning hort það tengist eitthvað?
Isn't the first gate directly below where the lava leaks out? Wondering if it's related to anything?
Swedish translation
Är inte den första porten direkt under den plats där lavan läcker ut? Undrar om det har något samband med något?
#AIfail #deeplfail #swedish #icelandic #deepl