katzenberger · @katzenberger
213 followers · 1925 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

"$5 million in OpenAI API credits" to make local newspapers dependent. Expect fired journalists and high-quality content, ChatGPT-style.

"The (), the leading venture philanthropy working to rebuild local news, today announced a new partnership with , the AI research and deployment company behind to explore ways in which the development of artificial intelligence (AI) can support a thriving, innovative local news field"


#american #journalism #project #AJP #openai #chatgpt

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
46 followers · 120 posts · Server aus.social

Update: Meeting with Georgie Purcell's office.
Yesterday, I met with Aimee Weir (Chief of Staff) and Dannielle Chandler (Advisor) for Georgie Purcell (Member for Northern Victoria).

Lots to cover here, including action to be taken to protect our

Read the full update here:

#threatened #species #no3rdtullarunway #nm3r #flyfree #savetheplanet #savetheanimals #georgiepurcell #AJP #wildlife #animals

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
44 followers · 6 posts · Server aus.social

Original toot date: 24 January, 2023

“We like to call ourselves the progressive state in Victoria, but we are left behind Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales in terms of getting the start here.”
- for giving this issue the mighty push it needs!

Help put pressure on our government by writing to your MPs here 👇

Animal Justice Party Victoria:

Animals Australia:


#georgiepurcell #banduckshooting #savetheducks #duckshooting #saveourwildlife #animalwelfare #animalrights #animaljusticeparty #AJP

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
472 followers · 2405 posts · Server aus.social

I invite all people, , , , that love animals and are against needless cruelty, to sign this petition which calls for an end to the live sheep export trade. It is truly ridiculous that a pet or is not allowed on the majority of cruise liners (perhaps there is a single exception or two out there and not counting for service dogs), to accompany you on a cruise, yet , , , and are perfectly able to travel thousands of kilometres in conditions one step above a shit hole, only to be slaughtered/killed in ways seriously suspect of Australias laws against animal abuse.

There is talk of ending the trade, specifically the live sheep export trade, but this petition by the will go a long way in making that reality come so much sooner.

And of course money comes into the picture. Ending all 'livestock' export will result in a loss of $1.6 billion dollars to the Australian economy, the money which predominantly goes in rural communities. In addition to the ban of this export, alternatives need to be incorporated so that the community doesn't suffer.


I do not normally ask this, but if you could boost this toot so that more people can sign this petition on behalf of all the sheep out there, that would be much appreciated. 🐑🐏

#vegan #vegetarian #omnivore #dog #cat #sheep #horses #goats #cattle #buffalo #camels #animaljusticeparty #vegans #veganism #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals #banliveexport #pleaseboost #AJP #veganforthesheep #auspol #liveexport

Last updated 2 years ago

Nieuwsmotor · @nieuwsmotor
4 followers · 57 posts · Server mastodon.nl

AJP Motorcycles prijslijst 2023 Nederland motornieu.ws/SjlptJ

#motorprijzen #AJP #prijzen

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
2 followers · 9 posts · Server aus.social

“We like to call ourselves the progressive state in Victoria, but we are left behind Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales in terms of getting the start here.”

Thank you for giving this issue the mighty push it needs!

Help put pressure on our government by writing to your MPs here 👇

Animal Justice Party Victoria:

Animals Australia:


#georgiepurcell #banduckshooting #savetheducks #duckshooting #saveourwildlife #animalwelfare #animalrights #animaljusticeparty #AJP

Last updated 2 years ago

mikeiavelli · @mikeiavelli
14 followers · 33 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Adaptable research-based materials for teaching quantum mechanics

"a complete collection of freely available instructional materials to assist faculty in creating a student-centered quantum mechanics class that engages students while supporting them in developing both sense-making and calculational skills [...] grounded in research on students' understanding of quantum mechanics"

#stem #education #pedagogy #teaching #learning #qm #physics #per #AJP

Last updated 2 years ago

Nil :stripedsocks: · @zerosdev
120 followers · 3366 posts · Server colorid.es

⬆ Noel Delamare foi pseudônimo do jurista Roberto Lyra Filho. Lyra Filho ofereceu uma valorosa contribuição pro pensamento jurídico crítico no Brasil e pra prática do direito junto aos movimentos sociais... Foi ele quem cunhou a expressão que hoje dá nome a um projeto vinculado ao departamento de Direito da UNB, sob a responsabilidade do Zé Geraldo de Souza Jr (ex-reitor da UNB e orientando do Lyra Filho, se eu não me engano)...

Toda a produção literária e memória dessas contribuições do Lyra Filho tem sido resgatadas e preservadas graças ao esforço das pessoas que mantém o portal e as atividades de de pé... Esse é um capítulo importante da e o poema do toot anterior pertence ao livro "Da cama ao comício: poemas bissextos", do Lyra Filho sob o pseudônimo.

#DireitoAchadoNaRua #AssessoriaJurídicaPopular #HistóriaDoDireitoNoBrasil #advocaciapopular #AJP #AJUP #RENAP #RENAJU #IPDMS #DireitoEMemória #DireitoELiteratura

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
211 followers · 355 posts · Server mastodon.uno

61,2% scrutinato:

|Centro-sinistra: 37,2%
|ECR: 29%
|Verdi: 11,3%
Indipendenti: 5,8%
|Centro-destra ruralista: 5,5%
|Familialismo: 2,9%
|Animalisti: 2,3%
|Destra no-vax: 1,7%
|Sinistra: 1,4%
|Sincretici: 1,1%


#elezioni #australia #victoria #Alp #lp #GRN #nats #FFP #AJP #fpv #vs #dlp

Last updated 2 years ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
355 followers · 1513 posts · Server aus.social

I get really into elections, voting, and democracy here in Australia. It sounds silly, but I get more excited watching the vote counts on election day than I ever did watching a sports game (Editors comments: talk about alienating people, go on and tell us you are too!).

As it may not be too surprising, I am quite left leaning and have always placed my vote towards the leftish side of politics, think, / .

However, I am no longer feeling connected towards the Greens or Labor. So for this Saturday, I placed my vote for the Victorian State election with the .

It is impressive seeing the party grow, having nearly 100 candidates running this year. I have high hopes for their chances in picking up a few wins. I am not expecting a miracle, but I know that they will get more votes than they did in 2018, and foolishly optimistic that this will translate to a seat or two.

As time goes on, people will become more aware of:
-The cruelty of factory farming and the exploitation of animals
-The impact of and the
-Small parties and independents capable of pushing bigger parties into action

And for that, I believe change is coming. Hopefully not before it is too late.

"A better world for animals, people, planet."

#vegan #thegreens #alp #animaljusticeparty #AJP #climatechange #climateemergency #voteajp #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #veganfordemocracy #animalrights #animalwelfare #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Monika Merkes PhD Ⓥ · @monika
68 followers · 119 posts · Server aus.social

@talkingkoala Mark Pearson has done great work for the animals and environment. I'm not on Facebook, but I'm sure I'll find his speech elsewhere .Thanks for alerting me to his speech.


Last updated 2 years ago