I saw some rumors the other day about a new ALF bobblehead. I see it up for pre-order. I need it. ALF is back in bobblehead form! #ALF
Happy anniversary to Alison Moyet’s debut solo single, “Love Resurrection”. Released this week in 1984. #AlisonMoyet #alf #loveresurrection
#AlisonMoyet #ALF #loveresurrection
Happy anniversary to Alison Moyet’s single, “Reassuring Pinches”. Released this week in 2017. #alisonmoyet #alf #reassuringpincges #other
#AlisonMoyet #ALF #reassuringpincges #Other
Happy anniversary to Alison Moyet’s single, “Whispering Your Name”. Released this week in 1994. #alisonmoyet #Alf #whisperingyourname #Essex #dawnfrench
#AlisonMoyet #ALF #whisperingyourname #essex #DawnFrench
Heat-stroke induced liver injury, an interesting review in #CriticalCare
#CriticalCare #HeatStroke #critcare #ALF #foamcc #intensivecare