(from Twitter🐦 )
#ALIFE2023... a special public talk “Life and Consciousness, Artificial and Natural” by Ted Chiang (Science fiction writer) x Anil Seth (Neuroscientist) on July 28, 2023!
This event will take place in Sapporo, Japan and online viewing is also available.
* No fees required for online(=zoom) participation. Pre-registration required.
I'm hoping we'll be able to hear more of his opinions on ChatGPT!
RT @ALifeConf
🏆Excited to reveal our keynote speaker, Ted Chiang, a renowned science fiction novelist! Having won 4 Hugo, 4 Nebula, and 6 Locus awards, Ted's captivating fiction has garnered extensive praise and inclusion in The Best American Shor…
Thrilled to have @anilkseth as a keynote speaker at #ALIFE2023!
Showcasing how his early influential work on #complexity, #autonomy and #emergence in #ALife has influenced modern #neuroscience of #consciousness, where he now plays a leading role.
RT @ALifeConf
📢We're thrilled to announce our keynote speaker for #ALIFE2023, Anil Seth! With over 20 years’ experience in the field of consciousness research, he is a distinguished neuros…
#consciousness #neuroscience #alife #emergence #autonomy #complexity #ALIFE2023
RT @ALifeConf
We're thrilled to announce our keynote speaker for #ALIFE2023, Yuji Ikegaya! With a PhD from the University of Tokyo (@UTokyo_News_en), he's an expert in neurophysiology, brain health, and neuronal plasticity.
RT @ALifeConf
📣 Excited to announce one of our amazing Keynote Speakers for #ALIFE2023: David Wolpert! A distinguished Professor at Santa Fe Institute @sfiscience, he's been making waves across numerous fields. Get ready to be inspired! #DavidWolpert
RT @ALifeConf
ALIFE 2023 is hosting a special sessions!
The "Vita Ludens: Playfulness in Living Systems" session focusing on the Artificial Life and playfulness.
Check the link for details!
#ALIFE2023 is currently accepting submissions!
RT @ALifeConf
ALIFE 2023 is hosting a special session!
The "ALife And Society VII" session will focus on ALIFE and social, ecological and planetary issues.
Check the link for details!
#ALIFE2023 is currently accepting submissions!
The ALIFE 2023 conference, to be held on July 24-28th in Sapporo, Japan, is looking for proposals for special sessions.
If you are interested in organising a session, please visit the following page or get in touch here!
#ALIFE2023 #alife #cogsci #cognitivescience #neuroscience #agency #consciousness #mind #artificiallife
#artificiallife #mind #consciousness #agency #neuroscience #cognitivescience #cogsci #alife #ALIFE2023