Every June, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation supporters hold lemonade stands & events to raise money & awareness of #ChildhoodCancer
This tradition began with 8-year-old Alex Scott.
Her goal: raising $1 million for “her doctors” to help kids like her fighting cancer.
Her belief & reaching her goal before she passed away in 2004 still inspires
Anyone, anywhere can hold a stand. Register your Lemonade Days stand/event & help make a difference https://www.alexslemonade.org/campaign/lemonade-days
#fundraiser #family #ALSF
#childhoodcancer #fundraiser #family #ALSF
Today is #InternationalChildhoodCancerDay and you can be the difference for children and their families by joing the #ChildhoodCancer fight.
$50 funds one hour of research, and every hour matters.
Follow the link for easy ways to support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity my family supports. https://www.alexslemonade.org/ways-to-give
they have a 97% rating on https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/562496146
#internationalchildhoodcancerday #childhoodcancer #ALSF
At the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation #LemonBall fighting #ChildhoodCancer #ALSF AlexsLemonade.org
#lemonball #childhoodcancer #ALSF
Oh, and for the active folks out there, Alex's Lemonade Stand foundation has various healthy ways to help (that do not require chugging lemonade)
-https://www.millionmile.org - every #ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth #September a month long event logging the miles you #walk #bike #run
-https://www.alexslemonade.org/team-lemon - join #TeamLemon the #ALSF Charity #Running Team
-https://www.alexslemonade.org/blog/2017/07/5-tips-hosting-your-own-5k-childhood-cancer-research - you can even host your own #5K
Give a little for #GivingTuesday & get involved fighting #ChildhoodCancer
#childhoodcancerawarenessmonth #september #walk #bike #run #teamlemon #ALSF #Running #5k #GivingTuesday #childhoodcancer
My family has held plenty of Lemonade Stands to support Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. So many in fact that we built our own stand with their plans: https://www.alexslemonade.org/files/downloads/resource_stand_construction.pdf
And as a side note, my son had the same cancer as Alex called #Neuroblastoma and he even does speaking engagements for #ALSF
Also, there is a book covering the true story of the #ALSF founder Alexandra “Alex” Scott, the story teaches that people of all ages can make a difference, just like Alex. Since it's #GivingTuesday, consider donating to Alex's Lemonade Stand.
If you know any educators, they can request a copy of the book to use in their classrooms. It's an amazing story. https://www.alexslemonade.org/campaign/schools-and-universities/incorporate-alsf-classroom/book
A little more about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, since it's #GivingTuesday
They have easy to follow instructions to host a #LemonadeStand to join the fight against #ChildhoodCancer and this is great way for families and kids to get involved
https://www.alexslemonade.org/campaign/stands-and-events/plan-lemonade-stand #ALSF
#GivingTuesday #lemonadestand #childhoodcancer #ALSF