This image's been tagged so volunteers can provide a description for the blind/VI.
Use ALT to provide descriptions so that we have equal access to the information contained in images.
Anyone can contribute, & volunteer describers are desperately needed.
Accessibility's a human & civil right. Inaccessibility's a choice.
@Mina @gutenberg_org That is a wonderful description. You captured the essence of the image while describing it. Especially appreciated is detail about the pendant.
#ALT4You - this is a tag you can use whenever you describe an image, so that other people who need a description can also take advantage of your work & kindness. There's also #ALT4Me which people use to tag an image they need described. Since this is a crowd sourced volunteer service, everybody is more than welcome to monitor it to provide a reasonable accommodation & make social media much more social.
@BethF There is a strong LGBTQIA+ presence in the blind/VI community, so I would very much like to boost this, but your ALT is a caption that provides no information.
I assume the actual info, such as the phone number is contained in the graphic. I don't know because you did not provide a full text equivalent. When the content of a post is the image, you MUST ensure a complete transcription of the image to provide an equivalent & autonomous experience for those who cannot process images of text.
#ALT4Me - this is an attempt to obtain equivalent information. Anybody can participate in providing repair ALT
@geographile @hannah It sounds as if you to really enjoy the art of composing ALT, but I want you to know that β if, for whatever reason, you cannot generate ALT yourself β you can always tag your post #ALT4Me, which is monitored by a group of volunteers who'll reply with a description or transcription as needed.
@disabledanarchist @Elizafox you can use #Alt4Me or #AltForMe so people can provide you with image description which you can then copy and edit your post and paste it.
@MattD thankfully there's a community here that is a) more willing to provide #ALTtext when tooting, and b) willing to provide #MutualAid with the use of #ALT4me and #ALT4you hashtags.
It is possible to build a better and more inclusive space - we are doing it here.
#alttext #MutualAid #ALT4me #ALT4you
@NonbinaryNaturalist thanks to the advocacy and involvement of disabled users, it's been an important part of the culture here for a long time!
In the web interface here, images without alt text will have a red border of shame (custom CSS I added) as well as a little warning sign in the corner.
The hashtag #Alt4Me is for requesting alt text for your own image and #Alt4You is for image descriptions provided for someone else. There are also bots that can remind people to add descriptions.
@fzer0 @Strandjunker Mind describing this picture? I'm blind and it doesn't have a description. #alt4me
@nova My fault for not advocating earlier--I've noticed that a lot of the images you post don't have alt text. I, in addition to any other blind/VI nerds out there, would love description of these. It adds a bit of extra time, but I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that would enjoy knowing what some of your posts are referencing! Setting a precedent for this being the default is really important for inclusion. Thank you for all you do for the Hachyderm community. π #ALT4me #hachyderm
@SusanHR Back when the community was small, like, pre twitter migration, I didn't use to adopt this policy because access needs can clash, you know, but after the Twitter Migration, there is far far far more Abled people on the Fedi, and I simply just can't educate everybody if they willingly just don't do it. I pretty much know who is Disabled out of my follow lists, but typically, I just skip posts without a call for someone to make an #Alt4Me or similar. And, besides, I can tell who makes mistakes and non-disabled who just doesn't care.