We have nice rights on paper, but the reality is a shambles https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-07-12-the-awful-state-of-sas-lawful-telecoms-interception-part-one/ #ALutaContinua
On one hand, a court in #SouthAfrica ordered govt. to amend #RICA for the sake of citizen privacy; on the other, #ICASA suddenly proposes to link biometrics to SIMs. #ALutaContinua
RT @rinachandran
Millions of Africans are resisting mobile SIM card registration, linking to digital IDs and other data, for privacy reasons. It allows govts to track real-time movements, transactions, social media, enabling state #surveillance . @ADRNo…
#southafrica #rica #ICASA #ALutaContinua #surveillance
Unfortunate phrasing. We in #SouthAfrica only started experiencing democracy once we started to shake off European colonial influence. #ALutaContinua
RT @wikileaks
"The soul of European values - of democratic values - is at stake": Julian Assange's wife @StellaMoris1 #FreeAssangeNOW https://news.yahoo.com/wife-assange-urges-uk-block-182653554.html
#southafrica #ALutaContinua #freeassangenow
The #BillOfRights gives a clear benchmark against which officials can be judged when they fail to uphold such rights. http://www.groundup.org.za/article/south-africa-failing-protect-its-activists/ #ALutaContinua
Back in the day we all had to inhale cigarette smoke in bars, clubs, even lecture theatres. The next day your clothes were still stinking. But the majority stood up for its rights, and against an unnecessary burden on the public healthcare we all pay for. #ALutaContinua
RT @Ofentse39562967
@KeKatli @Wamie__ I smoke too much but i won't take the vaccine. Why? Because i don't want to vaccine nje. I would rather harm my health wit…
Ralph Nader is still going strong 50+ years in the saddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rytcwf-zYPQ #ALutaContinua