Hi fellow #biomedical & #health #informaticist/#informatician s! I’ve created the above #informatics Guppe Group acct for folks to find each other. This acct boosts (retoots) all toots it is tagged with to all of its followers. Please follow and tag frequently to help build the #healthinformatics community on Mastodon!
More on Guppe Groups: https://a.gup.pe
#amiainformatics #AMIA2022 #datascience #AIMed #CDS #ClinicalInformatics #Bioinformatics #EHR #CMIO #CHIO
#biomedical #health #Informaticist #informatics #healthinformatics #AMIAinformatics #AMIA2022 #datascience #AIMed #cds #clinicalinformatics #bioinformatics #ehr #CMIO #CHIO
Looking to connect with the #informatics community on Mastodon!
Hashtag soup!
#AMIA #AMIAinformatics #AMIA2022 #AMIA2023 #informaticist #informatician #healthinformatics #biomedicalinformatics #digitalhealth #CDS #decisionsupport #EHR #EMR #Epic #EpicEHR #Cerner #dataanalytics #CMIO #ACMIO #HealthIT #CI
#informatics #Amia #AMIAinformatics #AMIA2022 #AMIA2023 #Informaticist #informatician #healthinformatics #BiomedicalInformatics #digitalhealth #cds #decisionsupport #ehr #emr #epic #EpicEHR #Cerner #DataAnalytics #CMIO #ACMIO #healthit #ci
@greenescientist #amia2022 #mastodonmigration thread on the other place: https://twitter.com/jchaparromd/status/1590796077200211970?s=46&t=bLOWJy0ANfVMnJotDHRCYg
@greenescientist #AMIA2022 folks are talking about it now post-conference. Overall skeptical (myself included…)
@greenescientist @rmflight I talked to a few regular tweeps at #AMIA2022 but none had really dove in to mastodon yet.
It looks like the #AMIA2022 conversation hasn't migrated from tweets to toots yet, or else I haven't figured out mastodon's search functionality.
Presenting medical and informatics research at the #AMIA2022 conference in DC, to make healthcare better for all. And looking out the plane window as I arrived, I see hope for a better America too. Please vote! @tleungmd @glidingbird
I’m at #AMIA2022 - the American Medical Informatics Association annual fall conference in Washington, DC. Someone from my Center is presenting a paper on DRRisk, our web-based tool for assessing diabetic retinopathy risk from electronic health record data using deep neural networks.
My main professional organization is #AMIA with our #AMIAAnnualSymposium (see you at #AMIA2022) but I used to belong to #LSA (#LingSocAmerica).
#LingSocAmerica #LSA #AMIA2022 #AMIAAnnualSymposium #Amia