RT @BNMarkussen: Thanks for in-depth #AUPSC on @ATMIS_Somalia. EU welcomes momentum in defeating al-Shabaab. We have been main supporter of #AMISOM with more than EUR 2.5 billion over last 15 years. Earmarked EUR 140 million to ATMIS in 2022 for a stable and secure πΈπ΄ @AUC_PAPS @EUtoAU #AUEU
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUtoAU/status/1591162974433165312
EU support to @amisomsomalia @ATMIS_Somalia πΈπ΄: @EUCouncil pledges its continued support to #AMISOM #ATMIS with an additional β¬120 million under the European Peace Facility to fight against #alShabaab in close partnership with @_AfricanUnion
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUCouncilPress/status/1544708254411915265
RT @BNMarkussen: I reiterated EU call for burden sharing by the internal community. The legitimate request for sustainable and predictable funding for all African PSOs is more relevant than ever. The EU will be a responsible actor to #ATMIS - as we have been to #AMISOM since 2007. #AUEU @EUtoAU
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUtoAU/status/1513951110234574855