LNP398 Unbefriedigender Vorgang mit befriedigendem Ausgang https://logbuch-netzpolitik.de/lnp398-unbefriedigender-vorgang-mit-befriedigendem-ausgang Impfpass in Deutschland und EU — #Staatstrojaner, #Bundespolizeigesetz & #Verfassungsschutznovelle — #AN0M — #Telegram Kanal #Hildmann — Jobs
#staatstrojaner #Bundespolizeigesetz #Verfassungsschutznovelle #AN0M #telegram #hildmann
Something went wrong with the link in my toot, so I will try again.
The FBI and Australian police managed to sell an app to criminals which supposedly ensured safe communication. Now they have arrested hundreds of them.
The FBI and Australian police managed to sell an app to criminals which supposedly ensured safe communication. Now they have arrested hundreds of them.
This somehow reminds me of operation rubicon.
800 personnes ont été arrêtées à travers le monde dans un gigantesque coup de filet contre le crime organisé, grâce au noyautage par la police de #AN0M, une application utilisée pour échanger des messages codés entre malfaiteurs https://www.nouvelobs.com/monde/20210608.OBS44994/coup-de-filet-mondial-contre-le-crime-organise-grace-a-une-application-de-communication-cryptee.html #ANOM