@ajroach42 Sony's #ANC #headphones failed to mute the talk in the room but excel at removing humming noises when I tried.
Had a fear or rather a dislike for #IEM's, especially witha rather large sound tube (I've smol ear canals) but with Spinfit tips they're convenient! The default ear tips that plugs come with are usually rubbish. Went with the IEMs to drown out babble. Ordered BT over-ear dongle to make the IEM's wireless. Will test them out in the coming days and report back, if interested.
RT @MPHoogeveen: Grondstoffen, een enorme markt en een hub in de regio: 🇿🇦 #ZuidAfrika biedt veel kansen.
Maar onder de #ANC loopt de economie vast.
En met strenge (#klimaat)regels en protectionisme drukt de #EU het land in de handen van #China en #Rusland.
Belangrijk bezoek met @EP_Trade!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/djeppink/status/1644001504607567879
#ZuidAfrika #ANC #klimaat #EU #China #Rusland
Wow. Im Großraumbüro ist ANC ein echter Segen.
#ANC #ActiveNoiseCancelling #WunderDerTechnik
Referenced link: http://jungewelt.de/artikel/441367.html
Originally posted by junge Welt / @jungewelt@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/jungewelt/status/1605858181783109633#m
Nachdem der #ANC bereits bei den landesweiten Kommunalwahlen im vergangenen Jahr durchschnittlich erstmals unter 50 Prozent der Stimmen geblieben war, droht der Verlust der absoluten Mehrheit auf nationaler Ebene. #südafrika #ramaphosa
#ANC #sudafrika #ramaphosa #jWSchwerpunkt
Any fellow #SouthAfrica ns here? #loadshedding #Eskom is a stuff-up. Lights out this Christmas. #Stage6 #ANC has lost the plot. #Durban beaches are the new #sewage filtration system.
#southafrica #loadshedding #eskom #stage6 #ANC #durban #sewage
Uffgebasst :blobsalute: beim Spaziergang mit einem sehr guten #ANC Kopfhörer in der Stadt :ablobcatmusic: : selbst Linienbusse hört man erst im allerletzten Moment!
Fem camins…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GorkaKB/status/1600067287859568640
It's the new trend it seems, #politicians who want to stay in power.
#Trumpism in #Africa #ANC #Southafrica #Bolsonaro #Brazil #junta #Myanmar #Tories #UK #Putin #Russia #Xi #Xijinping #China the end of real #democracy Back o medieval times with its #aristocracy aka #kleptocracy by the #Forbes500
#History keeps repeating itself over generations
#politicians #trumpism #africa #ANC #southafrica #bolsonaro #brazil #Junta #myanmar #tories #uk #putin #russia #xi #xijinping #china #democracy #aristocracy #kleptocracy #Forbes500 #history
RT @oubibachir: With great sadness, that i learnt of the passing away of Cde. #Jessy_Duarte. A tireless South African #ANC leader with whom I had the privilege of working closely during my tenure as Amb of SADR in Pretoria. A strong advocate for the Sahrawi and Palestinian causes.اللهم ارحمها
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/pernandobarrena/status/1549075605618151424
#diy #noise #headphones #publicvoit #NCH #ANC
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: Molta sort i encerts, @DolorsFeliu, en el teu compromís de país al capdavant de l'@assemblea. L'#ANC s'ha destacat sempre per fer una labor de defensa dels drets democràtics de la ciutadania, que des del @govern també seguim defensant aquí i arreu del món.
Anchor Protocol (ANC) is recovering despite a broa... https://cryptoplayboys.blogspot.com/2022/05/anchor-protocol-anc-is-recovering.html?spref=tw #ANC #Anchorprotocol
RT @SFAF_asso: L’information extra-financière, une nouvelle mission pour l’EFRAG
#SFAF #EFRAG #ANC #finance #analysefinancière #bourse #banque #reporting #ESG #RSE #ISR
#SFAF #EFRAG #ANC #Finance #analysefinancière #bourse #banque #reporting #ESG #RSE #ISR
You're interested in getting #noise cancelling #headphones? You might be interested in my #DIY solution for less than 20€ which probably reduces noise even better: https://karl-voit.at/2022/01/25/diy-noise-canceling
#publicvoit #ANC 🎧
#noise #headphones #diy #publicvoit #ANC