Let’s give a bit of context about this map : https://freeradical.zone/@amaury_h/110808041269777120
Some temples built during the second half of Early Dynastic Period (2600-2300 BC) in Mesopotamia have an outside wall with an oval shape. The most up-to-date academic reference can be found here (*), I will just discuss it later.
#ANEThread 2 #ancientneareast #ANE #ancientsouthwestasia #archeodon #archaeodons
#ancientneareast #ANEThread #ane #ancientSouthWestAsia #archeodon #archaeodons
#Archaeodons #Archaeology #archeodon
@archaeodons, @ancientneareast
Let's go for a first #ANEThread, about excavation recording in #AncientNearEast field missions from western countries.
This is mainly based on my own bibliographical research, which concerns Bronze Age in Lebanon, Syria and Irak. There will surely be massive blind spots.
If you have insights from other periods and/or neighbor countries, feel free to complete !
[I will probably need a few evenings to complete the thread]
#archaeodons #archaeology #archeodon #ANEThread #ancientneareast