Next was a nice discussion on when and why employees spin out companies on the #AoM podcast with Aseem Kaul, Martin Ganco, and Joe Raffiee (5/11) #startups
Next was a fantastic discussion between Modupe Akinola and Sekou Bermiss on firm #diversity initiatives on the #AoM Lit Review podcast. A nice range of topics on diversity is covered here, including #gender differences in delegation approaches. Also Akinola listens to academic content on runs, so of course I'm a fan! Highly recommend (5/8)
Next was an informative panel on the future of work at the #AoM with Jochen Menges, Matt Beane, Melissa Valentine, and Hila Lifshitz- Assaf. Matt didn't want to name that-which-shall-not-be-named, and I really enjoyed how the conversation spread beyond a lot of the hyped topics of the day (7/12) #work #management
First was an interesting discussion with Margaret Shaffer on employee #stress and adaptation to #globalization on the #AOM podcast. This conversation focused on how domestic employees have to adopt to globalization stressors, although I think the focus on stress versus opportunity constrained the conclusions a bit, hopefully the paper addresses in more detail (2/9) #management #HR
#stress #globalization #AOM #management #hr
Last was a nice #AOM podcast with Tyler Burns Sabey on coworker reactions to inheriting a legacy. There's shockingly little work on this topic in the #management literature, but the theoretical framework discussed here should offer a good base for researchers to build on moving forward (10/10)
Next was an insightful discussion between Kathleen Eisenhardt and Sekou Bermiss on the #AOM's Lit Review podcast. How should #entrepreneurs, and indeed all of us, think about the tradeoffs between being a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? The cases examined here certainly leave lots to think about (6/9)
Next was a nice conversation with Leon Yang Chu and Brian Wu on designing online #platforms from a market-frictions perspective on the #AOM podcast. The mathematics-driven theory development approach here is nice to see, and contributes a lot to this important area of platform development (3/6)
Hello, Mastodon! Interested in a cross-national #survey comparison of #environmental #imaginaries? We have some draft findings from 2022.
Online presentation in #ESSCA (FR) conference tomorrow:
#Geography meets #STS
#survey #environmental #imaginaries #essca #geography #sts #AOM #ecotypes
Last was a theoretical discussion on #business models with Dean Shepherd, Stella Seyb, and Greg Fisher at #AOM. This requires a decent background in #management theory, but is especially interesting for those studying #entrepreneurship (8/8)
#business #AOM #management #entrepreneurship
If you haven't seen it, there's a great list of academics who are using Mastodon, broken out by discipline. Thanks to the maintainers who are helping connect people here. #AoM
Next was a fantastic discussion on synergy in M&A with Emilie Feldman and Zeke Hernandez on the #AOM podcast. M&A analysis is so rudimentary it makes me want to scream, and the paper presented here exposes core issues in M&A that often go unexplored. Highly recommend for those in management (6/8)
Next was a nice theoretical discussion on interpersonal #vulnerability and participation in institutional #processes for an #AOM podcast with Doug Creed, Bryant Ashley Hudson, Gerardo Andres Okhuysen, and Kristin Smith-Crowe. While this is a weighty topic, the warm relationship between the coauthors made the conversation quite enjoyable (6/7)
#vulnerability #processes #AOM
Just discovered the fediverse and it's fascinating but still mysterious. Was glad to find the #AoM initiative to help get me going.
Next was another #AOM podcast on #research movements in #management with Stewart Clegg, Miguel Pina e Cunha, and Marco Bertini. Management science doesn't often turn the lens towards itself, but the approach here can help researchers and practioners understand how and why certain trends become prevalent in the field (6/8)
Next was an amazing #AOM panel on the challenges of #remote/#hybrid work with Brianna Caza, Elizabeth J. Altman, Kyle Emich, Loran Nordgren, and Ariane Ollier-Malaterre. I found myself in strong agreement with nearly every point brought up here, a rarity when it comes to a #workplace panel, but the academics here bring a wealth of knowledge and data to the table that practitioners would be wise to heed. Highly recommend (4/9)
First was a great #AOM panel on the increase in #worker power with Stephanie Creary, Allison Elias, Stephen Cummings, and Simone Phipps. I always love #workplace takes based on rigorous #data and studies and that's what you get here: no hype, just the complicated truth as it's understood today. (2/9)