#weeklylastfm for week 37 of 2021
#AOTY2021 still being involved in a strong binge this week. Otherwies, September has been dedicated to #German bands exclusively. This chart has a fine selection of them.
Top weekly artists for Halbeard
1. Illum Adora (43 plays)
2. #Verdunkeln (24 plays)
3. Membaris (21 plays)
4. #Morrigan (18 plays)
5. Irrlycht (16 plays)
6. #Totenwache (15 plays)
7. #Schrat (11 plays)
8. #EternalAlchemist (10 plays)
27 different artists in this time period
#eternalalchemist #Schrat #Totenwache #morrigan #Verdunkeln #german #AOTY2021 #weeklylastfm
#weeklylastfm for week 36 of 2021
The week where the digital version of #IllumAdora - Ophidian Kult was released, my most likely #AOTY2021 so far
Top weekly artists for Halbeard
1. Illum Adora (68 plays)
2. #Irrlycht (22 plays)
3. #Totenwache (18 plays)
4. #Zarathustra (17 plays)
5. #Tine (9 plays)
6. #Younha (7 plays)
7. #Nargaroth (5 plays)
8. #Membaris (3 plays)
18 different artists in this time period
#Membaris #nargaroth #Younha #Tine #Zarathustra #Totenwache #Irrlycht #AOTY2021 #IllumAdora #weeklylastfm