I can picture those first days well. The #AP team which filmed the #documentary endured far greater risk to stay behind and document the atrocities in #Mariupol. Meanwhile, I had joined the exodus of civilians – a mass of millions of people – leaving #Kyiv and its surroundings.
"Wars don't start with explosions, they start with silence,” the film begins.
And it’s true: the morning of February 24th, 2022, I left my hotel in search of a car to evacuate our team.
The streets were eerily empty.
#AP #documentary #Mariupol #kyiv
Fabriquer la rareté. « Le tribunal a relevé que l’opération conduisait à diminuer le nombre de #LitsdHospitalisation de 1 131 à 941, le nombre de places en #ambulatoire de 207 à 173 et le nombre de naissances pouvant être accueillies de 3 238 à 2 000 ».
D’un coût estimé de 1,3 milliard d’euros, ce projet d’envergure porté par l’Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (#AP-HP) et l’université Paris Cité doit remplacer les actuels hôpitaux Bichat à Paris et Beaujon à Clichy https://www.lemonde.fr/sante/article/2023/07/10/projet-d-hopital-grand-paris-nord-la-declaration-d-utilite-publique-annulee-par-le-tribunal-administratif_6181332_1651302.html
#litsdhospitalisation #ambulatoire #AP
#Portugal #CADA #AP #Jornalismo #LiberdadeDeImprensa #Transparência: "Quarenta e oito anos de ditadura instalaram em Portugal uma visão do poder que os últimos quarenta e nove ainda não conseguiram apagar. A administração pública portuguesa continua dominada por políticas obscurantistas e muito pouco democráticas, que fazem gáudio em ignorar o princípio da administração aberta, constitucionalmente consagrado. Quem exerce funções públicas, a nível nacional ou autárquico, parece mais interessado em esconder informação dos media, mesmo que para tal seja necessário gastar muito dinheiro público em longos processos judiciais que têm um único objectivo: lutar contra a transparência.
Numa semana em que Portugal desceu dois lugares no ranking da Liberdade de Imprensa, fazemos um apelo para que as nossas instituições - da Presidência da República à Provedoria de Justiça, passando pela Assembleia da República - possam ajudar-nos a transformar a administração pública portuguesa num lugar mais inteiro e limpo, que honre verdadeiramente as promessas de Abril."
#portugal #cada #AP #jornalismo #liberdadedeimprensa #transparencia
#AP: #Montana #transgender
lawmaker silenced again, backers protest
Thanks for standing up, Zooey!
#AP #montana #transgender #letzooeyspeak #zooeyzephyr
Western Outlets Send Warning to Lula Over Ukraine Dissent
As US economic power continues to wane, the US and its allies in the media continue to try to assert imperial influence over Latin America.
#AP #brazil #china #reuters #russia #ukraine
Newspaper articles, blog posts, youtube videos, tik toks, etc. all seem designed to capture and keep our attention.
I really miss the old news inverted pyramid style.
That first paragraph who, what, when, and where followed by how, and sometimes, why.
Guess I'm "get off my lawn" old finally.
„AP image of Mariupol hospital attack wins World Press Photo“ https://apnews.com/article/photo-ukraine-ap-mariupol-award-maloletka-699cb8362ac8cffefcec9496881fd9db /via #ap #fckptn
The Guardian is now compiling multiple mass #shootings into one piece:
Four people were killed in a shooting in east #Alabama on Saturday night, police said…the shooting happened at about 10.30pm Saturday night at a 16th birthday party
#AP reported that an unidentified suspect fired a gun into a crowd of hundreds in Chickasaw Park in #Louisville, killing two people.
#shootings #alabama #AP #louisville #shooting
DOJ: Suspect in documents leak taken into custody
#news #politics #uspolitics #AP
On May 28, 2021, a strange boat appeared in the Caribbean. Everyone aboard was dead. No one knew where they were from — and how or why they died. Until now. #Adrift #AP #news #Investigation #GhostBoats #migration #Migrants #Mauritania #Tobago #Mali #Senegal #WestAfrica #canaryislands https://apnews.com/article/adrift-investigation-migrants-mauritania-tobago-663a576e233cb4b363f5eda8d5969b5a
#Adrift #AP #News #Investigation #ghostboats #migration #migrants #Mauritania #tobago #mali #senegal #WestAfrica #canaryislands
BREAKING: Donald Trump, the first former U.S. president to ever be criminally charged, pleads not guilty in New York court to 34 felony charges related to hush money payments, reports say. #AP #Trump
RT @Sylavin
Supporters of Senegal opposition leader Ousmane Sonko take to the streets of Dakar, Tuesday March 14, 2023. #kebetu #Senegal #dakar #ap #jeuneafrique #photojournalism #reportage #yaw #pastef #elections #democracy #politics #leicaq2 #leica
#kebetu #senegal #dakar #AP #jeuneafrique #photojournalism #reportage #yaw #pastef #elections #democracy #politics #leicaq2 #leica
#AP #Ukraine #War #Russia #Journalism: "Derl McCrudden, AP’s vice president for global news production, accepted the award on his behalf and described an “extraordinary” message AP received from a special adviser to the now-exiled mayor of Mariupol in January this year.
“He thanked us for their work and he told us that AP’s coverage of Mariupol became a central point in the negotiations with Russia over the opening of humanitarian gate corridors for the civilian evacuation of the city. He said, without exaggeration, you saved several tens of thousands of civilians and it’s difficult to overestimate your personal contribution here.
“It’s a rare moment where journalism has a real and substantive impact,” McCrudden said."
#AP #ukraine #war #russia #journalism
#AP’s journalism from #Mariupol ‘saved tens of thousands of civilians’
Vasilisa #Stepanenko, Evgeniy #Maloletka, Mstyslav #Chernov are heroes of the journalistic community
A short iv of Vasilisa after receiving the award:
#AP #Mariupol #stepanenko #maloletka #chernov
Remember when an incredibly brave #AP team last spring was beaming out pictures of the horrors of the war from Mariupol? Russian troops were looking for them everywhere to stop the news coming out. Now their film,
20 DAYS IN #MARIUPOL, has won Audience Award for World Cinema Documentary at the #Sundance Film #Festival - info v AP's Mstyslav Chernov
#AP #Mariupol #sundance #festival
“There are 2.8 million students sitting in Florida public schools right now knowing that their governor does not want them to learn about Black history.”
#florida #education #AP #blackhistory
RT @IncludED_D@twitter.com
This is an important part of the discourse surrounding #AP and #exclusion. Sometimes, it is portrayed as if pupils are going to settings with better qualified, more experienced, and stable teaching staff.
I call it the "magical PRU" discourse.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IncludED_D/status/1613903728037208066