Don't be mislead by the title:
"Can Open Access be Made More Affordable?"
In this article, #OA means #APC-based OA. The authors don't consider or even mention green or diamond OA, which charge no APCs.
Yes, it's good to explore ways to make APCs more affordable. But it's myopic to do that without comparing them to well-established ways to deliver no-APC OA.
#openaccess #greenOA #diamondoa #APC #oa
Heads Up: #SchneiderElectric #APC wird für ihre #USV und #PDU Produkte mit #NMC3 (#SmartUPS; #NetShelter #rPDU) keine freien Updates mehr bereitstellen. Diese wird es zukünftig nur noch für Nutzende mit Wartungsvertrag (~100€/Jahr/Gerät) geben. 3Ph Produkte, NMC2 und Klimaanlagen sind z.Zt. noch ausgenommen. Auch bei schweren Lücken soll es noch Updates geben.
Wer solche USVs/PDUs betreibt und keinen Vertrag hat sollte sie besser aus dem Netz entfernen bzw. separieren.
#SchneiderElectric #APC #USV #pdu #nmc3 #smartups #netshelter #rpdu
Don't pay an #APC in hopes that it will bring you higher citation impact.
New study: "Bibliometric studies concur that journals that charge #APCs have a similar citation impact to journals that rely on other income sources [#DiamondOA]."
All 47 editors of #Taylor&Francis' _Critical Public Health_ just resigned to protest the journal's high #APC and launch a new, more affordable #OpenAccess journal.
T&F required an APC of £2700, "an unsustainable cost for…funders and…libraries in high income countries and an impossible cost for many in less advantaged countries."
See the #OpenAccessDirectory list of similar journal Declarations of Independence.
#openaccessdirectory #openaccess #APC #taylor
Welcome to the Academic Research Community (ARC) Alliance, "a community of like-minded scholars supportive of a #nonprofit, altruistic, high-quality scholarly publishing alternative to standard publishing models. ARC Alliance utilizes a #Diamond Open Access model in which no article processing charge [#APC] is paid by Alliance member authors, publications are #OpenAccess, and #copyright is retained by authors."
#rightsretentin #diamondoa #arc_alliance #copyright #openaccess #APC #diamond #nonprofit
"Belgian Defense has announced its plans to provide Ukraine with the first batch of 40 to 50 refurbished M113 Armored Personnel Carriers [APCs]. "
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #US #WW3 #Zelensky #News #Belgium #APC
#APC #belgium #News #zelensky #ww3 #US #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
From the #OASPA report on why many publishing scholars still pick #paywalled #journals:
"Participants agreed that being able to secure investment from funders for platforms and ventures operating on non-APC / collective action / universal models needs to get far more normalized (at least to the level that it matches #APC funded models)."
#diamondoa #openaccess #APC #journals #paywalled #OASPA
All 40+ editors of #Elsevier's _NeuroImage_ just resigned to protest the journal's high #APC and launch a new #OpenAccess journal.
"Elsevier…set the NeuroImage APC…at $3,450 USD. Compared against this, estimates of direct article costs at relevant journals are generally around $1,000 or lower.…It is wrong for publishers to make such high profits."
See the #OpenAccessDirectory list of these journal #DeclarationsOfIndependence.
#declarationsofindependence #openaccessdirectory #openaccess #APC #elsevier
It looks like all NeuroImage editors have resigned over Elsevier's unwillingness to lower their APC. They're working with MIT Press to make a new journal called Imaging Neuroscience with an APC as low as possible, hopefully less than half of what Elsevier currently charges.
Honestly, good for them.
Full announcement here:
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #APC #RELX #Elsevier #AcademicChatter
#academicchatter #elsevier #relx #APC #OpenScience #openaccess
"Polish company buys Oncilla armored vehicle for Ukraine"
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #US #APV #APC #Poland
#poland #APC #APV #US #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
Good question. Sorry that even a short answer takes more than one toot.
(1) If it were just a matter of finding #OpenAccess outlets for authors like you and me, you might be right. But not all authors are as free as we are to bypass #APC-based journals. Early-career researchers in particular (#ECRs) are constrained to publish where their promotion and tenure committees give the most career points.
#JAMA doesn't make its articles #OpenAccess. But under a new policy, it allows #authors to do so, through any OA #repository, with no #embargo and no #fee (#APC).
#greenOA #green #APC #fee #embargo #repository #authors #openaccess #jama
Update. The statement is now on the #HarvardLibrary website.
Another excerpt: "We want to highlight the dangers of allowing the interests of commercial #publishers to dictate the paths available to [#OpenAccess]…We refer here to the…#APC (article processing charge)…and/or institutional #ReadAndPublish agreements where libraries pay bulk APCs on behalf of their scholars and unlock institutional access to read pay-walled content."
#readAndPublish #APC #openaccess #publishers #harvardlibrary
Thank-you to the #IPLC #library directors for this strong statement in support of the White House #OSTP Nelson memo.
"Implementing the Nelson memo via an #APC model is antithetical to the equity goals so clearly articulated in the guidance memo and the values of our institutions."
Just a quick update on the #Nigeria elections. #Tinubu of #APC has been declared the winner by #INEC but many, many, many people are convinced the election results were completely rigged and the elections should be rerun. I've pasted in this Twitter thread as one example of what people are saying. Not qualified to assess all this, but the situation is not great to say the least.
#nigeria #tinubu #APC #inec #nigeriadecides2023
Excellent grad student response to the #OSTP #openaccess policy guidelines.
After applauding the Nelson memo: "Early-career researchers [#ECR]…might struggle to comply with new open-access guidelines if they need to pay a high article publishing fee [#APC] to make their research open in a journal…valued by their institutions’ promotion and tenure guidelines…It is imperative that the [publishing process] not shift from a 'pay-to-read' model to a 'pay-to-publish' model."
From the #Lancet: "We want to emphasise that we never, ever, expect researchers from any country to pay this [article processing charge, #APC] from their own pockets. Our business model is based on the premise that more and more research funders are mandating #gold #openaccess publication and are prepared to pay for it. If there is no such funding available and no, or only partial, funding available from institutional sources, then we waive or discount the fee."
#openaccess #gold #APC #lancet
@derpostillon Also so wie die #Polizei mit deren #MRAP-mäßigen #APC / #Radpanzer?
#radpanzer #APC #mrap #Polizei
View through the TKN-4GA-03 sight of a BTR-80AT APC.
#Ukraine #BTR82AT #APC
Original tweet :