1.) search for an #API for our analytics provider
2.) find a page on their website called "API Development"
3.) don't understand a word about what they are talking about
4.) realize that API = active pharmaceutical ingredient 🥴
Я хочу одночасно похвалити і поскаржитись на #Bluesky. Прикинув оком побачивши хороше #API, яке дає моживість робити приколяси, типу списку блокувань по підпискам на дебіла і поділитись зі всіма, але не можа міняти пароль обліковки... та блін 😠
I want to praise and to complain about Bluesky. By the first glance there's good API with ability to make cool stuff like make block list of subscribers of dumbass and share with everyone. But not having a posibility just to change a password... c'mon 😠
https://blog.redplanetlabs.com/2023/08/15/how-we-reduced-the-cost-of-building-twitter-at-twitter-scale-by-100x/ this appears to be a whole new way to do a mastodon instance, at great scale, with a #java #API so that even n00bs like me can kinda understand what’s going on. My ill-informed understanding is like that the whole social network is a relational database of what they call PStates and the UI is pulling content to display based on queries to that database, which are done by like the results of a shitload of different methods that are called, such that the PState is passed as an argument to the method doing the database query so things like a list of suggested accounts to follow can be implemented.
Banking-as-a-Platform Services to Reach $49B https://buff.ly/47uizU8 - #fintech #API #trends - "Marketplaces are most effective for banks to adapt to the digital business arena -- helping them create financial services ecosystems that offer personalized customer experiences."
Discover the secrets to effective #API #versioning and learn how to navigate the challenges of evolving APIs while ensuring client satisfaction.
#API #versioning #techatworldline
I recently came back from holidays from a very touristic location.
Something that surprised me was the _insane_ amount of selfies people take on vacation. I could just not believe it. It's a constant sight of people taking selfies in different positions, all the time, everywhere.
So, of course my next thought was that all of these crappy photos get uploaded into cloud storage providers, so I think that we, the tech community, need to react.
My proposal is to create a new HTTP status code, implemented by photo storage services.
That would be: "HTTP 432: Too Many selfies. Please stop"
J'ai fini par mettre les sous-titres sur la vidéo (merci @kdenlive) donc j'en profite pour la partager : si les données pour les #villes vous intéressent, j'ai fait une courte intervention au séminaire #BETTER de l'#INRAE (ça parlait de bioéconomie).
Donc voilà, 15 min sur comment accéder à plein de données (#INSEE, #SIG, #assainissement, #éducation...) soit via des #API, soit via #OpenDataFrance, c'est là : https://video.ploud.fr/w/939US2B78N5zxjvB1YUmQV
Et le reste du séminaire est là : https://farside.link/invidious/channel/UCx5w7HNkYQ6WQBbJdp1WNBg
#villes #better #inrae #insee #SIG #assainissement #education #API #OpenDataFrance
How to spend Sunday afternoon: bug-fixing our eclipse path generation web service. Found a couple that misbehaved - 1 Aug 2008 and June 21 2039.
There's nothing like anti-meridian wrapping logic to get you all twisted up.
Screenshots: before 👀 and after 🤓
#solareclipse #eclipse #API #software #development
@mstankiewicz #ManganApp polega na #Mastodon #API.
Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, @ernest był bardziej zainteresowany AP C2S niż mastoapi, ale /kbin rozwija się obecnie tak dynamicznie (chyba > 200 devs), że nie nadążam śledzić.
Nie będę z Mangan-a robił wieloprotokołowego klienta, bo chodzi mi po głowie projekt klienta zbliżonego bardziej do e-mail niż kolejnego "bieżączkowego" twitter-clone.
@rysiek @hankg @adam_jurkiewicz @agturcz @miklo @ftdl @kodmalopolskie @74 @kalisz79 @pawelszczur
The ALPHV #ransomware gang, also referred to as BlackCat, is trying to put more pressure on their victims to pay a ransom by providing an #API for their leak site to increase visibility for their attacks.
#malware #DataLeak
#ransomware #API #malware #dataleak
#SymLink: The article explores the challenges and vulnerabilities associated with APIs and introduces Noname Security's platform, which focuses on API discovery, posture assessment, runtime profiling, and testing to provide comprehensive API security. #API #Security #NonameSecurity #APIJungle #SecurityFieldDay
@NonameSecurity @WollmannBruno #XFD9
#SymLink #API #Security #nonamesecurity #apijungle #securityfieldday #xfd9
An die Freelancerbubble hier: Ich suche kurzfristig eine/n Backend-Dev (NestJS), mit Erfahrung in der Entwicklung einer API.
Kennt ihr wen, könnt ihr das?
Gerne Teilen!
Adventures in #dotNET #podcast Episode 151:
API Security Risks with OWASP
#dotnet #podcast #security #CyberSecurity #API #owasp
10 Steps to Help Secure Your APIs
#programming #security #CyberSecurity #API
I just blogged:
#CASBAN6 – How to create a facade to manage Azure Blob Storage with Azure Functions
#Azure #AzureFunctions #AzureDev #AzureBlob #Blob #Storage #API #dotNET #csharp #OpenAPI #Swagger #security
#CASBAN6 #azure #azurefunctions #azuredev #azureblob #blob #storage #API #dotnet #csharp #openapi #swagger #security
🔜 In @EP_Justice from 9 CEST:
- Votes: budget amendments (@GDelbosCorfield), opinions on Media Freedom Act (@RamonaStrugariu) & housing statistics (@yanatoom)
- Debate: Advance Passenger Information #API proposals (@Assita_Kanko, @jcoetjen)
🎥Stream: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/committee-on-civil-liberties-justice-and-home-affairs_20230718-0900-COMMITTEE-LIBE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Justice/status/1681188299380260864
What #framework would you currently use to write an #API #server?
Should also have a nice #database integration.
Built-in authentication handling would be nice to have...
Please no Python or JavaScript/TypeScript frameworks.
#framework #API #server #database #programming #development
#DH2023 Elena Spadini and JL Palenzuela on #DigitalScholarlyEdition|s #API|s provide a great survey over editions using generic and specific APIs.
Elena is making a point about "what to re-use" in terms of what endpoints to offer. I have the feeling that (standardized?) specific endpoints - e.g. a "/persons" endpoint - would be or are in fact being reused more frequently than a powerful but much more generic SPARQL endpoint.
I wonder if there is any survey or reuse study about how the various (types of) endpoints are actually being taken up and reused...
#DH2023 #DigitalScholarlyEdition #API