The #APStylebook has become a #freakshow
AP draft checklist for editing. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
AP adds a checklist for editing. It’s in draft form, and it will be on the website in draft form for feedback this afternoon. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Avoid “the” labels: the dead, the wealthy, etc. Favor more specific terms. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Capitalize designations before numerals: Room 3, Size 6, Aisle 17. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
New entry on skunked term “woke.” Avoid it, other than in direct quotations. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Diacritical mark for Hawaii is being discussed, but no change yet, partly for technical reasons. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Civil Rights Movement now capitalized. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
On using deadnaming to help readers understand the news: “Use your judgment. We don’t have absolute rules a lot of the time,” but “we think that bar should be pretty high.” — Paula Froke, Associated Press. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Additions to transgender entry. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
Additions to transgender entry. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
LGBTQ+ now default, adding the plus sign. #apstyle #APStylebook #ACESEvolve
#acesevolve #APStylebook #apstyle
The Hollywood Reporter interviewed me in 2019 for its first-ever "Agents of Change" piece on diversity and inclusion. During the call, I referred them to my friend and adviser #HenryFuhrmann, aka the #HyphenKiller for his "Drop the Hyphen in 'Asian American'" article for #ConsciousStyleGuide. We eagerly awaited publication, but nothing came of the interviews. Or so we thought.
Today, I found a PDF of the article. I wish Henry was here so I could tell him. Miss you, Henry.
#editing #APStylebook #consciousstyleguide #hyphenkiller #henryfuhrmann