rimugú · @rimugu
550 followers · 7845 posts · Server liberdon.com

All basic configuration is done, some more can wait until the antenna is back up.
It has to go 246 degrees from magnetic north and 3 degrees up.

#hamradio #amateurradio #AREDN

Last updated 1 year ago

rimugú · @rimugu
550 followers · 7824 posts · Server liberdon.com

Had a little scare with my ubiquity antenna. Though it may been dead due to some issues lately. But it was just the Ethernet cable (from POE to switch). During troubleshooting I reset it so I will have to reconfigure it after updating the firmware.
Have not yet put the bigger tilting mas I want but maybe someday.

#AREDN #hamradio #amateurradio

Last updated 1 year ago

rimugu · @rimugu
465 followers · 6465 posts · Server liberdon.com

Had a visit from the radio club "boys". My 2m/70cm antenna was reallocated, and made some commitments to advance the idea of the inclining mast to get 9m high and maybe be a "central" node in the digital radio network.

#AREDN #hamradio #amateurradio

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV :city_ann_arbor: · @w8emv
134 followers · 1014 posts · Server a2mi.social


Will do. I will probably start by borrowing some gear to field test it atop one of the downtown parking garages, pointed at Wolverine Tower, and also from the same garage, pointed at the downtown Ann Arbor District Library.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV :city_ann_arbor: · @w8emv
131 followers · 979 posts · Server a2mi.social


There is a ham radio thing called which already has some infrastructure in town that I want to start from. It uses licensed spectrum in 2.4 GHz and unlicensed spectrum in 5.8 GHz to make a mesh.

A recent set of photos with an installation


and the home of the project


to be clear this is for licensed amateur radio operators, but the basic principles are reusable.


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Josh Méndez · @JoshMend
71 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodon.online

Hallway experiments with
sensor networks. Here, low-power electric field sensors deliver data to a AREDN node, which then relays aggregated data to a base station. Only a 10 m link here, but a step closer to mesh networks for atmospheric granular flow monitoring

#aprs #AREDN

Last updated 2 years ago

Saint Baal-MAŠ · @corvusbrimstone
56 followers · 388 posts · Server kolektiva.social

So I'm doing some thinking about and , and how it could benefit from a federated network. Is there a relatively trivial way to federate something with this structure, for ease of moderation and removal of, say, undesirable transmitters from the mesh?

I'm still pre-amateur at this point, so pardon my ignorance. I'd like to build a federated mesh of communities, which can be community-moderated to cut out bad actors. Anarchist radio, broadcasting community.

#meshnet #AREDN #YggdrasilNetwork #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Saint Baal-MAŠ · @corvusbrimstone
23 followers · 117 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hi there. I'm another elder millennial, Twitter orphan. My internet journey began with the death throes of UseNet. I was there for GeoCities. I Asked Jeeves. I texted my first tweets using t9 on a Virgin Mobile phone. I watched Facebook switch to public, deleted my account, rejoined later, deleted again, rejoined again. I am a veteran of a thousand psychic wars.

I've got , , and am fresh out of . I agitate locally, think globally, and desire community--and to be left alone.

I enjoy music. Yes, any genre. No, not all styles. Yes, I will listen to the thing you made. I will probably enjoy it.

I do , am trying to improve my , and I try to avoid cliques and camps when science and epistemic fact will do fine. Where those facts are not enough, I am thoroughly , as in , not that weird cryptofash thing we have here in the US.

Please recommend follows to me.

My goals for 2023 include getting licensed for and building a hamshack for mesh network and doing it live on a streaming service. Perhaps just my discord. Aiming to begin on labor day. Lots of equipment to grab. Lots to learn by reading, watching, and making mistakes.

Thanks for reading my . Sorry for doing so in a less than timely way.

#anxiety #adhd #gender #videogames #parenting #Anarchist #communist #AREDN #YggdrasilNetwork #discord #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Josh Méndez · @JoshMend
51 followers · 23 posts · Server mastodon.online

A last little bit of machining before we can get our AREDN
node up at U. of Oregon. These waterjetted parts will be mounts for a Ubiquiti Rocket radio linked to a real-time lightning monitoring app.

#sensornetworks #AREDN #amateurradio #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago