One of the players in the A|State game I'm running ( @Jwmuk ) has written up a report of our latest session. Some of the behind-the-scenes machinations are coming to light!
#AState #ttrpg #cyberpunk #actualplay
Issue 0 is now available on #DriveThruRPG
With articles about #RandomEncounters, running #oneshot sessions, spotlight on Emiel Boven's #TheElectrumArchive and @HandiworkGames #astate as well as a short adventure for #5e and #OSE #RPGs #TTRPGs #RPGLifeUK
#DriveThruRPG #randomencounters #oneshot #theelectrumarchive #AState #5e #ose #rpgs #ttrpgs #RPGLifeUK
Issue 0 is out in the wild and includes articles about using #RandomEncounters, running #oneshot sessions, a spotlight on Emiel Boven's #TheElectrumArchive and @HandiworkGames #astate as well as a short adventure for #5e and #OSE
Pick it up on @itchio
#randomencounters #oneshot #theelectrumarchive #AState #5e #ose #rpgs #ttrpgs #RPGLifeUK
My A|State game has finished, more with a whimper than a bang (personal and scheduling issues meant we ran out of time). But! A few tips for groups when running the game.
11. #GalaxiesInPeril maybe to remind myself of #FitD. Or maybe #AState. Or maybe the original #BladesInTheDark
12. #Spire or #Heart. Maybe I’m leaning more towards Heart right now, but I haven’t tried either yet.
What I’m saying here is that I need to do way more gaming next year - even if I doubt I’ll even get to do half of this list. 2022 has been very frustrating in that respect. Need to figure out exactly how though as it’s proving hard to find groups I fit with.
#GalaxiesInPeril #fitd #AState #bladesinthedark #Spire #heart
New beautiful KS volume received: "A|State", a dark FitD set in a kafkian and dystopian city - with strong Dark City vibes.
The game is by Jon Hodgson and Handiwork Games, and it features gorgeous illustrations, good layout, and good quality overall.
Looking forward to trying it at the table!
#ttrpg #astate #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #darkcity
#ttrpg #AState #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #DarkCity
Review City & Faction clocks
* Danger clock: Impoverishment. Was 3/6, advances to 5/6
* anger in the Mire End immigrant camp: Reduced, but ticks again: now 2/6
* Granny Ethel's ongoing dispute with the Shopkeepers: 4/6
* the utilities are still disconnected in the flats holding evicted tenants: 2/6
* TCMA catch up with Smash the Machine and the PCs: 1/6
But as the mission ended with a shootout with those TCMA soldiers, that gives 6 Noise. That makes 9 in total, so Noise resets to 0 and the Alliance gets 1 Attention.
This activates the TCMA: the Corner is now getting actual patrols by the Provosts, who are armed. You can bet they'll be trying to recruit informers too. It also takes 3 ticks off Smash the Machine in their conflict with the White Monkey Gang.
The A|State Trouble Engine is a key feature of the game and does a lot for bringing The City alive.
I had to write this up for my players (so they can see the results before our next session), so I thought I'd also post it here.
There are a lot of balls in the air and developing Troubles for the PCs to deal with, so I presented the players with the list and asked them to choose what they wanted to do. That didn't go so well, I thought (but the players seemed to like it). It also meant we didn't stick too closely to the strict Downtime action limits.
A couple of notes from our second full session of A|State 2ed.
The first half of this session was dealing with the fallout of the Trouble Engine. Some Shifted Glitter-Wisps were possessing people at a fish market; that was about me showing the weird side of The City. Then the Holher Gang tried setting up a toll on a bridge, but the PCs talked them out of it.
#AState #ttrpg #rpg #actualplay
Finally, some context. I've got two players, so the starting PCs have some additional Action dots and more Moves, to avoid them having too many missing slots.
One player has played Blades before and has the A|State book. The other hasn't played anything FitD before.
We played the sessions 0 and 1 online for various reasons. We should be in person for the remaining sessions.
It's still very much a Blades-like game, which is a good thing!
The session 0 character-and-corner creation takes a long time, with a lot of steps. But it's all good, and gives you rich and conflict-laden situation.
Like a lot of improv-heavy games, being able to improvise is helped by a lot of prep to improvise from.
Last 5 RPGs I GMed
Next 5 RPGs I want to run
#agon #housesoftheblooded #thelaundryfiles #bladesinthedark #qinthewarringstates #AState #Trophy #BrindlewoodBay #FengShui #callofcthulhu
Another "find like-minded" #ttrpg folks idea.
Last 5 played or GMd:
#AState 2ed
#ThirstySwordLesbians #TSL
Next things I want to play or GM:
#ttrpg #AState #Sorcerer #Capharnaum #ThirstySwordLesbians #TSL #trailofcthulhu #Floria #OurTravelingHome #agon #Everway #Upwind